014 clubs and drugs

Start from the beginning

then for a moment, nothing. charlotte stared at her phone, pure terror written on her face. she was never, ever, this afraid to speak to her dad it was unsettling as hell. she and him were like an open book, he even checked up on her every day by call to make sure she was doing alright. but not since her and gracie's first time they met. he's only seen her once since then and it was when he interrogated her in her apartment about how she needs to avoid gracie.

and while this thought lingered around her head, she re opened her text with gracie, the adrenaline of the moment causing her to send a 'next week! i'll call you' message, jest before she could knock sense into herself and not do it. she face palmed, cursing into her palm at her stupidity and knew this wouldn't end well.

not to mention the feelings she feeling for gracie. it's all too confusing, one minute she wants to stray as far away as she can to protect herself, her family, her career, and now also her feelings she knew wouldn't be valid, but the next minute she couldn't get gracie out her head and wanted to crawl back to her warm apartment and fall back asleep in her arms, wrapped under her blankets as she listened to her heartbeat.

charlotte needed to focus on something else. someone else.

the girl walked into her bathroom, turning on a playlist and threw up her hair, staring herself in the mirror as she decided to get ready for a night out clubbing. might as well find someone else to distract herself, right? it's for the best.


"miss charlotte parker, i knew i smelled success," laughed lily rose depp, another nepo baby who charlotte was good friends with. "come here," lily grinned, wrapping a arm around charlotte and walking her towards her table at the back of the club. "so, what made you call me up tonight?"

charlotte's known lily since diapers, given their parents are quiet close friends. the two could not hangout for months and still come back go find their bond was never lessened or broken. she was like a built in sister. charlotte looked up to lily in a lot of ways, so in a crisis she typically looked to her for help. like right now.

"i needed a night out i guess," charlotte replied, throwing her head back in bliss.

"yeah, i've heard about all that drama with you and the abram's family shit," lily sighed. "that's tough."

"yeah, it sucks. kinda came here to get my mind off it."

"mind off what?" asked a boy who was sitting at lily's table, one of her friends.

"nothing," lily filled in for charlotte, who gave lily a smile back. "in honour of us reuniting, drinks on me."

"no, come on, on me," charlotte begged, her eyes wandering around the table of boys and girls, wondering if any seemed interesting. but none of their looks could compare with gracie's...

"charlie, c'mon, let me," lily said, giving charlotte those eyes that could manipulate anyone in the coolest way possible.

"as you wish," charlotte defeatedly said.

and with that, numerous rounds of drinks were served throughout the night. it wasn't uncommon for charlotte to let her extroverted side out when drunk, everyone typically does. and that meant she wasn't shy of accepting any dance that came her way.

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