//Chapter 8//

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( (Y/n) POV)

I step away from the group, and quickly run to the door. Slowly and softly stepping inside. I look at the iron golem. Distracted. Good. Moving silently I quickly get behind a bookshelf. Covering my mouth to not blow my cover, I then think of my next move.

(The Gang POV)

Petra looks at Jesse, "you are going by yourself?- wait where's (Y/n)." They all look around and Olivia notices the door creaked open again. "Oh man, (Y/n) went after Lukas. Jesse you need to help them." Jesse nods seriously, "you guys go get Gabriel, I'll go after them." Petra nods "We'll figure out a way to warn Gabriel and than we'll meet you back here." Axel grins, "let's crash this party!" They all nod, Jesse than stating, "We'll be back as soon as we can."

( (Y/n) POV)

Oh shit, this was a bad idea- The iron golem steps near but steps back to its original place, sighing slightly, I crawl down looking for Lukas. I make eye contact with him as he's hidden behind a shelf, "Lukas!-" I slowly and carefully crawl to him, "Are you okay? Are you hurt" I whisper in worry. "I'm fine, but we need to get past this thing." He nods and points to the iron golem by the stairs that leads to the door. "Hey look is that Jesse?" I whisper to him, "do you think we can grab his attention without gaining the golems?" He shrugs, " We can try." We than hear Jesse, "Lukas, (Y/n), can you hear me even tho I'm whispering." We wave Jesse over quickly. "Jesse? Is that you whispering super loudly?" I hold in a snort. Then the smile soon fades as we see the iron golem directly behind Jesse. "Oh shit Jesse-" I whisper. Lukas then hides in a chest calling the golem over to distract it. Remaining in the shadows of a bookshelf i see Jesse jump into a window of the bookshelf, hiding immediately. Smart man. The iron golem moves away from our direction, than i move Lukas out of chest and run to Jesse. "What are we gonna do next?" I look at Jesse in a panic, than Jesse grabs a potion. And throws it to the shelf, but the iron golem started cornering me. As it was about to strike, ducking fast. Reuben than starts oinking at the golem, "thank you Reuben" I slip away to head with Lukas, "are you okay? Are you hurt?" Lukas grabbed me immediately checking my face, "I'm fine I'm fine we need to go." We all nod. "Thank you for coming back for me, (Y/n). Oh and Jesse, I didn't know if anyone was going to." I grab Lukas hand, intertwined our fingers and pulled him faster, " Pleasantries later, let's go-" Jesse chimes, "No man left behind that my motto." Lukas looks at Jesse, "I guess I owe you one" I smile as we walk out knowing that it's a start. But to task at hand we have a problem, "We need to catch up with Petra and them. We don't have any time to lose." I ushered them, still holding onto Lukas's hand. "Where are the others?" Lukas questioned, than we heard them talking with Gabriel. I whisper to Lukas, "he's not listening to them.." he nods and comforts me a bit. Then we hear Ivor's creepy voice, "I have a question for you." Gabriel chimes in, "excuse me sir- you'll have to wait your turn." Looking toward Ivor I growl slightly. "Just tell me first: do you really believe anyone can be great?" Ivor's voice chimes through the crowd. Lukas tightens his grip slightly but not enough to hurt. Hearing this, Gabriel states, "With enough hard work- yes." What- is this all about? Soon my question was answered. "Was that where I went wrong! I simply didn't WORK HARD ENOUGH?" Ivor raised his voice, Holy shit was Ivor apart of the Order of the Stones?! My head was trying to wrap everything around it. But it couldn't- We look to Jesse as he was just as shocked as we were, "That's the guy who attacked us in the basement!" Gabriel huffed back, "I wish i could say I was surprised-" I interrupted him by saying, "So you KNOW this creep? Was he in the Order of the Stones?" I yelled, half scared yet half dumbfounded. Gabriel stammered but yet again interrupted by Ivor, "If it's surprises you want, you're in for a treat." He smirks grossly, "Why don't you tell them the REAL story, Gabriel?" As Ivor and Gabriel go back and forth, I look towards Lukas worried, and than Jesse who looks at me with the same expression. "Now, these people were promised greatness, and I'm ready to deliver" Ivor presents in a malicious manner, "I'm sorry this is how they had to learn the truth.." Jesse quickly shouts out, "Gabriel, you have to stop him!" Than Ivor pulls the lever to reveal the unfinished Wither. "Omg.. what do we do,"Olivia exclaims. "I'm not sure." I chime holding onto Lukas's arm aswell. As Ivor than places the skull on the last block. We all shout.
Everyone gets knocked back and I landed in Lukas's chest, but this Time I don't react. The Wither starts to form and come alive. "Creature! ATTACK!" Ivor shouts, while people scream and run for cover. The Wither runs around, Lukas and I stand up and run to the gang. Than I see the Wither try to attack Reuben and Jesse, "WATCH OUT." I scream that helping Jesse up. Everyone around us starts dodging it's attacks. However the Wither doesn't seem to be let down any time soon. Petra exclaims, "look! It's collecting blocks." The Wither starts consuming everything around it, "Guys what do we do! What's the plan?" I move away from a floating block that I was just standing on. "Everyone stay calm! This foul beast is no match for me!" Gabriel heroically says. I don't believe Gabriel, as Ivor continues to attack. Believing myself Gabriel's attempt to attack soon failed. "What- have you done?" He gets up grabbing his sword. We run to Gabriel but he pushes us away. "No! Stay away! It's after me not you!" I run by Jesse, "You can't defeat that thing alone." Ivor laughs maliciously again, "You're right my dear~" he takes a finger a traces my jaw to my chin than I move away quickly, "don't touch me you shitty creep." He laughs again, "Gabriel the mighty warrior, can't defeat him! Looks like true greatness is out of his reach!"

(Lukas's POV)

I look at (Y/n) and how he touched her. It made my blood boil, he's a damn creep- I swear if we weren't worried about a death Wither I would've snapped his hand at in instant. The creep than exclaims that he'll defeat the creature, however I go to (Y/n) and quickly grab their waist. I swear I'll never let him touch you again. I'm soon interrupted as most of the floor errupts and floats to the Wither. Ivor trying to get the creature to retreat, I step back a step. "Creature! RETREAT" I then hear (Y/n) start talking, "The Wither is gone out of control, it's not gonna listen to Ivor." The wither pulls closer to Ivor as Jesse yells out, "He's lost control of it!" Oh shit, it's going bad. I pull (Y/n) behind me to protect her. "N-no need to be alarmed. My friends." Ivor stammers, "I have an elixir that will destroy this creature." He pulls out a potion. Wait that's- not the right potion! Jesse and Axel switched it out. We are so doomed.  "What! Impossible! It should've worked- I- I took such care!" Ivor cried out. Jesse stepped forward. If it doesn't work we might die. But I need to keep (Y/n) safe.

( (Y/n) POV)

I gasp behind Lukas, as Ivor yells out to us. "Jesse! Throw it" Olivia exclaims. the Wither protected the command block in the middle. Having the potion miss. Than with much yelling Ivor runs away, my head pounding again, heavier and heavier. "Gabriel!" I exclaim trying to pull him down from the Wither, "HELP." Jesse than comes to help. Finally pulling Gabriel out, he falls to floor, "Ivor was right about one thing. I can't defeat that thing. Not on my own." Gabriel than asks us to help him, I wanted to say no, but deep down people need us. Before Jesse could answer, I chimed in, "yes. We need to act fast." Gabriel nods, "I must get to the temple- but what nexts to happen next, I can't do alone." Jesse steps forward. "What are we waiting for! Lead on!"

Gabriel than starts running as we soon follow suit. "This way!"

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