First Sight

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The first time I saw Abby, was at the gym. She was a beautiful girl who I passed by walking in the gym. The first words that came out my mouth was, " I love your hair,"and she said "thank you." It was a genuine response and I saw on her face that she really liked me I thought. I enter the gym, I start to stretch, do my workouts to warmup for some basketball. An hour go by, my drills are finished and
I put in a good sweat. Just right when I'm about to leave, she comes on the basketball court. She said "hey," and I said hey back. Then we start joking around, like she start saying I'm not good at basketball. Not knowing I played semi pro basketball at the time. So I told her, if I make this shot I get to get your number and she said, "okay, step back some." I stepped back and even a lil bit further than I wanted too. So when I shot the ball, I knew it was going in, but by all things that's about to happen, I wished not. The ball went in, so she gave me her number and she left with a nervous smile on her face of regret, but at the same time happy. Like you just don't know what kind of person, you're getting your self into, but I really like you face. I can tell if a girl like me or not, it's just a gift GOD gave me. I can pick up energy from miles away but this time of my life, I was ignoring all precautions and just doing my own thing. Just going with the flow and not listening to my inner self, that was telling me to walk away so many times from this girl. Signs are important and self energy is as well, with your soul and heart speaking to your body. Telling you, the right way to go, to do, and speak at the right time. I swear I didn't know what I was getting myself into but I always had faith GOD could get me out any situation, no matter how bad it get because we all have to finish across the same line. Some fail and some win, it's just part of life, but I never accepted failure, I always wanted to push further no matter what.

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