Chapter 5:

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" I'm just glad I didn't have to witness the world falling apart, now Im just left to live on the pieces that are left"

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" I'm just glad I didn't have to witness the world falling apart, now Im just left to live on the pieces that are left"

Joel had left to go down by the stream as darkness began to roll in. Bonnie was left alone in a small clearing surrounded by trees. She felt exposed being out in the open like this and anxiety soon started to set in at Joel's lack of presence.

Bonnie figured the best thing to do was to sleep off the day's events and try to forget all the horrific things that happened. She moved over to a tree that looked the nicest and set her bag down beside it. She looked up through the darkness and saw Joel standing at the edge of the river. She turned away letting him have his time to grieve.

She sat down on the dirty forest floor resting her head on her backpack. The sound of the forest didn't help with Bonnies unease, the silence was loud, too loud for her liking. She squeezed her eyes shut trying to relax. At some point she managed to drift off into a restless sleep.

Joel returned to the small area once it was completely dark, the cold air had rolled in and the nocturnal creatures had started to make an appearance. Joel quickly looked around not seeing bonnie anywhere. Panic rising in his chest he whipped his head around once more and let out a sigh of relief when he saw the girl sleeping, curled up in a tiny ball, shaking like a leaf.

Joel frowned at the sight and soon shrugged off his jacket quietly treading over to her and squatting down. He gently lay the jacket over her shaking form and stared at her for a second.

No matter how hard he tried, no matter how many times he told himself, he couldn't shake the thought out of his head. She looks like Sarah. Joel stood up, walking over to his own bag and decided to call it a night. He just wanted to leave this shit storm of a day behind.


He didn't get to sleep through the night uninterrupted however, because he was soon awoke by screaming. He instantly grabbed his gun getting ready to fight but soon put it down realising bonnie was the one screaming. He quickly moved over to the girl lightly shaking her awake. Bonnie awoke with a gasp, shoving herself away from Joel.

She had tears in her eyes and was hyperventilating as she looked at him with fear. "Hey, hey it's me, it's me" he repeated holding his hand out to her. She rapidly blinked as a few tears slipped out but she soon kept them at bay. "Hey calm down, You're alright" he assured placing a hand on her arm. She flinched at first but Joel took a deep breathe in and Bonnie copied the action.

Soon her breathing calm down and she wiped her eyes. "I'm sorry" she laughed awkwardly avoiding eye contact with Joel. "It's ok. Are you?" She looked up at him and nodded "yeah I'm fine, you can go back to sleep. I'm sorry" she sniffed pulling herself out of his touch and turning away from him, pulling his jacket around her. He wanted to say something, he wanted to ask her why that happened, he wanted to be 100% sure she was ok.

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