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She stood on the balcony, thinking. She felt a pair of hands hug her from behind, "hi" a familiar voice said. She knew that sweet voice from anywhere it was her boyfriend, Marco Ubaldo Diaz. "hey" she felt a smile creep onto her face. His presence merely made her smile made her smile. She couldn't imagine a world without him by her side. "need someone to talk to?" He was so sweet always asking if she was okay and if she needed anything. "No, but I would love to go to bed." She was often tired due to how many all-nighters she may have had to pull to help Eclipsa out as her royal adviser. "That sounds like a plan." he quickly swept her off her feet carrying her bridal style to their bed he tucked her in her side and climbed in the other side, "Night Star" Marco whispered and kissed the top of her head. "goodnight Marco" and with that they were both out like a light.

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Bl00d gaped from the ceiling  the voices of everyone she had once loved echoing in her head. One of the many voices was the voice that convinced her she was out of place, driving her out of her mind, murdering her most loved/closest friends/ loved ones. All of a sudden she heard Marcos voice echoing in her mind "Star!" She had seen him fall dead right in front of her, She blamed herself  for weeks after. "Star!" his voice rang through her head again. If only she had noticed he was acting off, she may have been able to help him. "STAR!!"

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Star shot up in her bed her vision foggy, she looked around and everything slowly rendering. She looked at her boyfriend, a look of concern plastered on her face. "Are you alight Star? I've been trying to wake you up for about an hour now." She stared into his eyes and hugged him letting her pulse slow down while listening to his heartbeat. "happy year anniversary." he said holding her close. "thanks, you too." She muttered catching her breath. he smiled and gently kissed the top of her head before handing her a present "open it" he smiled and rubbed her back while she opened it, her face looking shocked at the present. It was a small locket with a picture of them on their first date inside of it, both looking super happy but nervous. She looked up at Marco sweetly and gave him a peck on his lips "I love it, thank you." Marco smiled and gently rubbed his thumb just above her thigh, "anything for you" She giggled and hugged him tighter before starting to speak. "I've been really stressed recently and- you've been taking a lot of it off my shoulders, I know you aren't exactly the type to want to talk about my problems because it makes you sad but you've been really helpful recently." Marco just buried his face into the crook of her neck and softly kissed it "of course, I don't want to see you under pressure at all, that's why I always do these things for you and let you talk to me about your problems." They sat in silence for a couple of minutes until they heard Marco's mum's voice call from downstairs, "Kids, breakfast is ready!!" Star and Marco smiled at each other and got out of bed. Marco helped star put her slippers and dressing gown on before taking her downstairs.

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