Chapter 27-Patience & Time

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--Marcos POV--

"You should come when she's awake," Oliver said as he pulled the blanket up her sleeping body.

"Nico was wrong, she didn't need me there that day. My presence hurt her, and I know it will hurt her now too; She asked to be left alone, so I have to leave her alone. If I'm here when she's awake then it'll only hurt both of us, she's scared so therefore she's pushing me away, I know that, yet I still can't help but miss her,"

"So what, you're just going to silently watch over her until she calls you first?" He couldn't hide the smile on his face, but I refused to react.

"I don't think there's anything else I can do," Sighing, I sat down on the spare chair, staring at her sleeping face with furrowed brows, wondering how much time she'll need before she finds her smile again.

But I've been coming to visit her every day since she was put in this room, and I've seen just how much she's hurting; it's not a sort of pain that I would wish upon my worst enemy. I hate to admit it, but there's nothing I can do but just sit and wait for her to heal.

I saw her break down in front of everyone, I saw her shedding tears that she worked so hard to hold back, and I saw her give up when she realised that nothing was going her way. And I can't blame her for giving up, this world has been so cruel to her.

"I believe that life is full of tests, there's always going to be an obstacle that you need to overcome, but after every hardship, there will come peace. I believe we keep living for the small joys you find in between all your sorrows that make it alright." He suddenly started, confusing me, but I didn't interrupt him as he kept speaking.

"Right now, Dahlia's going through the worst part of her life, and as her father, I both worry and hope for her. I'm probably a failure as a father for not protecting her well enough from this pain, but I still hope that she's strong enough to endure before she can smile again,"

"Do you really believe a day will come when she smiles again?" I heard myself ask.

"I hope so." He's optimistic, that's for sure.

"I lied to her, and my lies hurt her. But, I've learnt my lesson, and will ask her for her forgiveness. I will make her mother suffer for hurting my child like this, and I will make things right." His angered face melted away into a smile as he leaned down to kiss her forehead.

"She was once just a small little child afraid of the monsters under her bed, but now... Now she's grown into a woman scarred by the cruel reality of her world, and I'm going to have to step up my game as her father to protect her,"

"Dahlia's strong." I said. 

"She's stronger than I could ever hope to be, but like you said, I hope she's able to pull through this moment in her life, and one day, she'll look back and smile at it," He diverted his gaze to meet mine, slowly nodding in agreement.

"You are a good man."

"I'm working on it," I shrugged.

"You love her?" I nodded, certain this time.

"I won't ask what you love about her, that conversation will last too long, but when the time comes, all I ask is that you make her happy. Prevent that smile you love so much from straying from her face," Once again, I nodded, hoping for that day he spoke of to come closer.

"Shall we go? It's getting late, and I don't want to wake her up," So, after bidding farewell to a sleeping Dahlia, we left the room, and as I closed the door behind me, I caught sight of Isaac leaning against the wall.

Blonde hair tied up into a half ponytail, his hands were buried in the pockets of his cargo pants while an emotionless look sat on his face, but it was obvious that he heard my whole conversation with Oliver.

The Indifference of a Man Forgotten (BOOK I)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora