Bonten AU

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Alternate timeline where (y/n) is an executive working with bonten.

"what are guys doing here?" (y/n) asks mikey and the others, letting them inside her home, "I thought you said you were going to the club?" She props a hand to her hip, confused.

Sanzu shrugs, hands in his pockets, "we were, but we decided to come over instead and hang out." His pinstripe suit a little disheveled—probably from work.

The (h/c)-ette blinked, scratching her head awkwardly, "oh," she averts her eyes, "I don't mind hanging out but now's not really a good time." She vaguely says.

the bonten executives look at her, rindou asks the next question, "why not? it's not like you're busy, right?" They looked to her for an answer.

(y/n) cleared her throat, crossing her arms, "actually i am," she looks at them, "i'm going on a date with felix. He's coming to pick me up just a matter of fact, i gotta hurry up and change." She flashes them a smile as she rushed up the stairs, "make yourself comfortable if you'd like."

mikey and the bonten executives stared after her in silence, annoyance written on their faces at the mention of felix. Dumb bastard. They didn't like how much attention she was giving the man and how close they were oddly getting to each other. It made them mad.

they settled on the couch and waited patiently for the girl to come down, when they heard the clacking of shoes, they shot their heads up, seeing (y/n) come down the stairs.

"sorry about that," she adjusted her coat that rested on her arm as she simultaneously ruffled through her purse for something, "if you guys plan on staying longer make sure you lock up for me, kay?"

mikey and the bonten boys weren't paying attention to her, their eyes were drawn to her body and the mid-length dress she was wearing followed by her exposed legs and arms. Her hair was curled in waves and light makeup was applied to her features.

Their eyes dilated in lust and want, taking in everything they could possibly see from her.

(y/n) checked her phone when it vibrated, reading the message sent by felix and unaware of the eyes mikey and the others were giving her, "looks like he's here," she gazed at her co-workers with a smile, "i'll leave you to it then, see ya." She waves at them, exiting through her door and leaving the men in silence to stare after her retreating figure with longing...wishing it was them.


It was eleven, late at night. Four hours has passed since the female left and has now returned back home, standing in front her door.

Felix had taken her to a fancy dinner where they had lobster and the greatest dishes yet. Afterwards, he led them to a night stroll where they had some snacks from a food stall, conversing about their lives and whatnot. It was beautiful.

(y/n) looks at felix, smiling as she tucks a strand of hair behind her ear, "would you like to come in for some tea and snacks?" She offers.

Felix smiles back, accepting her offer, "I'd love to." He watches as she opens her door, allowing him passage to her home and taking off his shoes, placing them neatly on the side.

The (h/c)-ette noticed a few manly shoes and furrowed her brows but shook it off, "follow me." She led him into her house, the two of them stepping into the living room as she spoke, "i'll get the pot ready—" she paused.

mikey and the rest of bonten were still in her home, lounging on her sofa's and looking back at them stoically, their eyes darted to felix and irritation bubbled within them.

(y/n) opened her mouth to say something, "you guys are still here? I thought you went to the club." When she received no answer, she sighed, glancing at the situation and sensing the tension, "erm, sorry felix, but maybe next time—"

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