Chapter 1

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A/N: Casper is my oc, he is not in the actual show. His backstory will be explained in the second chapter. It won't explain it all fully, but it will be explained more in other chapters

Casper POV

I worked the fields, feeling the eyes of the local girls on me as my shirt soaked through with sweat. I didn't bother looking up as I heard hoofbeats, and the giggles of the girls, knowing it was probably the local guards doing the rounds. I heard the horses stop near me, but I continued to work. "Are you Casper Dumas?" I shrugged one shoulder, continuing to work. "Who's asking. This field isn't going to plough itself" I heard the thud of someone dismounting a horse, and the noise of them stepping towards me. "I am D'Artangan of the kings musketeers. The king has summoned you to his court, and since he has received no word from you about your arrival, he has sent us to collect you" I turned to look at the musketeer, pushing my glasses back up. "Well, I need to clean up first. I'm sweaty from working the field" I began to walk away, my arm being caught by the other male. "I'm afraid we don't have time. There is a river near Paris where you can clean up" I groaned, pulling my arm away. "Fine. But you don't have a spare horse" I turned away again as I head the musketeer- D'Artangan- climb back onto his horse. 

"You'll ride with me" That was the only warning I had from him before he picked me up, and practically manhandled me onto his horse. "D'Artangan, careful with him. The king was quite insistent we get him to the palace in one piece" One of the others warned, riding in front. I fought to not blush at being held so tightly to the rather handsome musketeer, who's lap I was practically sat on. I tried to squirm away, but my hip was roughly grabbed by the hand not holding the reins as he whispered low in my ear. "Stay still, or so help me god, I will make you regret it" I had to bite my lip to stop my squeak at his words. I counted 3 men with us as we rode, the one who had warned D'Artangan seemingly the leader as he rode in front, with one other in front of us and one behind.

Time skip, almost at Paris

D'Artangan POV

We stopped for a break, Aramis leading the horses to drink with Athos as Porthos got clean clothes for Casper to change into, handing them to me after I helped Casper off the horse, getting off after him. "There's a river, I'll show you to it. You'll want to wash up a bit before we get to the king. We have some spare clothes for you" I showed Casper to the river, and waited for him to get undressed to wash. "Can't you look away? I don't want to get naked in front of you" Casper looked down as he began to undo his shirt. "Just get undressed. I have to watch you to make sure you don't run or anything" I folded my arms, deciding to take my armour off as the sun was quite strong. Casper began to take his clothes off, folding them up beside the river. I watched him as he soon became naked, the light shining on him tinted green as it filtered through the trees, making him look almost ethereal. 

I looked away from him, keeping him in my sight, but at an angle where I wouldn't be so affected by the way he looked naked in the green light. I watched him walk into the water, begining to clean himself in the running water. He stepped out of the water, the light making him glisten as he stood there with wet hair and water dripping off his body. "Uhm, I'm clean now. Just wet" I blushed, handing him a towel, looking away as he wrapped it around his waist. "Come on you two! We're almost at Paris!" Porthos shouted to us, as Casper dried himself and pulled his clean clothes on, as I pulled my armour back on. "Right. To Paris then" We walked back to the horses, and I helped Casper onto the horse. We rode towards Paris, quickly reaching it.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 22, 2023 ⏰

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