part 10

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Once you woke up you felt sick so you ran to the bathroom and started morning sickness. Bakugou came in and held you hair back so you didn't get it dirty. Once you were done throwing up bakugou ran you a bath. You got into the bath and sat there for a few hours while looking for jobs around the area to do after school. Bakugou had left to get you food, when he came back and saw what you were doing he got mad.

" Your not getting a job" he yelled
" Then how are we ganna pay for our baby"
" I ask my hag of a mom" he screams
" No"

You got out of the bath and go dressed then went to bed without finishing the conversation with Bakugou. A half and hour went past and bakugou came up to the bed and sat down.

" I'm sorry for snapping at you, I don't want you to go to work because I don't want you to get hurt." He said looking away from you

"Well i don't want to ask your mom for the money so we need to find a way to make money" you said still under the covers

" Ok well what if when I start getting paid for hero work because it will be before our baby is born, that's how we can pay."

" I still want to get a job, not a dangerous one but like working at a cafe or something" you say

" I'll agree to that but if you feel any pain you have to come home" he said

You grab his shirt and pull him close to cuddle, he puts on your favorite show and cuddles you to sleep for a nap.

~time skip to when you wake up ~

After 2 hours of sleeping you wake up and call Mr.Aizwa and tell him what's going on. He wasn't mad and he said he would send the work with Bakugou to you, and your hero training will pick up when you give birth and recover. You tell bakugou about you talking to teach.

" Ok that's sounds good but I have to go do hero work so I'll be back later if you need anything call me. " Bakugou says before taking off.

You lay there is bed looking for cafe jobs and you find one, there was a interview for today so you call them and go down for the interview. You got the job and start tomorrow. Bakugou sees you walking down the streets and pulls you into a ally.

" What are doing out here" he says
" I just went in for a interview and got the job" you said with a smile.
"Great job but go back home so you don't get sick" he pushes you go to go home

You get home and lay down for another nap.

To be continued......

bakogu x y/n 18+Where stories live. Discover now