Part 1

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You were new to the school as a transferred student into class 1A. You walk into the class and everyone had bright big smiles except one boy. As the day goes on and lunch in near you walk down the halls and bump into the boy who didnt smile. "OI watch were your going"  he yells. You say sorry and keep walking to the lunch room. As the day came to an end Mr.Azaiwa calls you to the front of the dorm house he says " we dont have a dorm ready for u so your are ganna have to share with someone. We picked someone that needs someome to help him so you with be staying with bakogu. He has angry issues and he has a big ego so be careful ok"

You were a little mad that you had to share a dorm but you didnt let it bother you. You started to walk to the dorm your staying in. And you walk in and see the boy without the smile, but he just got out of the shower and all he had on was a towl on his waste. You both blush and he goes to put some clothes on. He came back out amd sat next to you on the couch.

bakogu x y/n 18+Where stories live. Discover now