part 7: pregnant?!?!?

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You wake up in bakugos arms hold you tight. You wiggle out and go to the bathroom and look at yourself in the mirror. You had makeup every where. You cleaned up and went to make breakfast for you and bakugo, you made a bagel for you and his favorite hot eggs. You then hear him open the bedroom door, you then put the food on the table and kiss him on the forehead. He grabs your waste and pulls you close.

"I want you for breakfast, not eggs"

You kiss him deeply and then straddle him on the chair. His hands start to wonder your body and slowly get under your pj's. You start the moan and bite his bottom lip, which just turned him on more. He picked you up and put you on the counter and slowly pulled off your pants and his own. He looked in your eyes for consent, you nod and he slowly pushes his size into you to. He goes slow to let you get used it it again.

"Plz baka" you moan.

He then spends up and bites down on your shoulder and starts leaving marks. You got close and started to whine. You felt him twich inside you and you knew he was close to. He went to pull out and you put your legs around his waist and keep him in.

"Babe if you don't let me pull out, you gonna have to online classes"

You smile and keep him in, he soon realizes in you. He picked you up and bathed you.

bakogu x y/n 18+Where stories live. Discover now