Finally, the mushroom moved.

    He thought for a while, then bent over to help lift the stone.

    With the help of Xu Jin, Yuanyuan pushed the stone above her head, retracted her body and turned back into a palm, revealing Mianmian under the mushroom umbrella. Mianmian stretched her body to reveal Zhuang Zhuang in her arms, seeing that it was motionless, she raised her hand and poked it lightly.

    After about five or six seconds, Zhuang Zhuang opened his eyes in a daze.

    It found that it was fine, and immediately lifted the quilt in its hand to check the safety of its owner. Seeing that the owner was unscathed, it wiped off the sweat, carried the owner on its back and said to Mianmian, "It's too dangerous here, let's go!"

    Mianmian Naturally, He Yuanyuan had no objection, but looked back at the imprisoned demon king before leaving.

    Unexpectedly, this seems to have established telepathy, and human beings with supernatural powers are gradually withdrawing, including Qin Yiyang and Zhou Xing, which undoubtedly strengthened Zhuang Zhuang's determination to leave.

    Qin Chuan looked at it from a few hundred meters away, silently urging it to go quickly.

    With a strong spirit, carrying his favorite master on his back is a 100-meter sprint, leaving human supernatural beings far behind.

    It ran straight back to the stronghold where Qin Yiyang was stationed before, saw that there were only ruins left there, paused, and turned back to look at the big devil.

    Running there? If the big devil king is left behind, will the master beat it?

    Qin Chuan had almost used up his power energy. Seeing that Yue Xiuyuan's team's combat ability could hold up, he left the rear to them. He speeded up and crossed the crowds to return to Pei Qinqin's side, and took her from Zhuangzhuang's back. He hugged her to check her safety, and glanced at the sudden extra people in the line.

    "Who is he?" Qin Chuan had no impression of Xu Jin.

    Zhuang Zhuang shook his head, Mian Mian shook his head, Yuan Yuan also shook his head.

    They don't know this follower, but the master seems to know it!

    Qin Chuan glanced at Xu Jin again, ignored him, and took the lead to leave here.

    The gap between the numbers of the two sides is too large, they can't win, and Li Qingzhou doesn't have the ability to continue to chase.

    When you can't kill the enemy, retreat when you retreat, and you will lose if you don't retreat.

    Qin Chuan held Pei Qinqin away from the boundary of Liancheng. If he hadn't considered that his cousin and Zhou Xing were still behind, he would have completely thrown away the human supernatural being and left alone.

    With this level of concern, there was Pei Qinqin's ignorance when he woke up and found himself in the human base.

    Although the supernatural beings here didn't cause her any tension, she was a zombie with the ability to contagious. Aren't you afraid that if she was accidentally injured and infected the survivors, the whole base would become popular?

    These people are really brave!

    Pei Qinqin drank the warm milk Qin Chuan gave her, and kept looking at Qin Chuan, silently guessing the purpose of Qin Chuan coming here, could it be to borrow the power of human supernatural beings?

    The two have been together day and night and slept in the same bed for so long, how could they not have a perfect tacit understanding.

    Qin Chuan looked at her dark pupils because of the out of control ability, sat down beside her and said, "It's just what you think, Li Qingzhou temporarily controlled the zombies, the human base needs our help, and we also need theirs." assist."

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