Chapter 63

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Chapter 63

    Qin Yiyang dragged out from under the car a male zombie who had lost his limbs and lower body, leaving only the upper torso connected to the head.

    Its eyes were gouged out, its teeth were shattered, and its throat was blocked by an unknown black object. It could neither move nor make a sound, so it was quietly tied under the car and walked with them all the way.

    "Throw away his old mother!" Qin Yiyang became more and more angry as he thought about it. If this is a healthy zombie, they won't suffer halfway? Most likely it was done by members of the Xingyue team, so let's just call it Li Qingzhou! This is no longer a matter of troubling Qin Chuan personally, it means killing their entire team!

    Pei Qinqin rested his chin on Qin Chuan's shoulder, and turned his head to look at this mutilated zombie who seemed to have been tortured terribly. The black veins on its body are already very light. If it is given some time, it is estimated that it will completely suppress the surface features of the virus and become more like an ordinary person.

    This is the unique camouflage ability of high-level zombies. Of course, there are also those who go in the wrong direction. For example, the "monkey" pierced by Yuanyuan has evolved towards a different beast. Such zombies will be stronger than the same kind in terms of physical fitness, but their relative IQ may be lower.

    Why did Li Qingzhou hide this zombie under their car? In other words, what ability does this zombie have, did it summon the zombie group?

    After carefully looking at the "meat" on the ground, Pei Qinqin withdrew his gaze, and turned his head to meet Su Qiao's probing eyes, feeling a little surprised in his heart, not knowing why Su Qiao looked at her like this.

    Pei Qinqin didn't know how different his innocent appearance was from Gujing Wubo's expression. Because of Qin Chuan, her life is better than before the end of the world. She is safe and has no worries about food and clothing. Compared with other survivors living in dire straits, the gap is wide open.

    Standing among these survivors, she is like the richest man who strayed into the slums. People subconsciously feel that she is delicate, has never seen suffering, and cannot adapt to the existence of the wild environment.

    Su Qiao also thinks so, she is more able to accept Qin Qintian's real cowardice, rather than his face that doesn't change when he sees blood. Of course, screaming is not allowed. It has been half a year since the end of the world, and people who screamed after seeing zombies are basically dead.

    When the two of them looked at each other, Qin Yiyang also learned from Qin Chuan that this is a zombie of the fourth-order spirit system, which means that it has the ability to command low-level zombies, but it has only been destroyed and can no longer attack humans. . Just like a hostage tied to a chair by the kidnappers, he is only allowed to make a phone call to communicate with his family.

    Qin Chuan looked at the immobile and dead zombie with cold eyes, and at the black plant that passed through the lute bone and filled its throat, and naturally thought of Li Qingzhou.

    The other party really doesn't hide it, likes to play tricks, and tells you openly that he did it. Such a non-aggressive and silent thing is indeed out of his detection range.

    As Pei Xiaoqin said, Li Qingzhou may know his past very well.

    Qin Chuan reached out and ended the fourth-order spiritual zombies effortlessly. He looked up at the group of zombies that didn't stop because of this, and was ready to clean up.

    He was very annoyed by these low-level zombies that stalked people. They were not challenging and endless, and they were only tired when they started.

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