Alora (Alora Finley)

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I woke with a heavy head ache I can't even feel my eyes it's blurring out continuously. I look at the wall clock it's 11.30 am. I'm not going to work. May be I'll go tomorrow. May be. I'm not sure about anything in my life anymore. Mr. Felix would be angry at me and there is a high chance he would fire me soon. But I don't really care about anything . Am I punishing my self for the last two years. I just don't want to remember that all.

I walked to wash room took a quick shower and went to the kitchen. The only thing I lam craving is coffee and on occasions beer also. Alcohol and caffeine are same for me, that relieve stress for atleast a couple of hours and I need that.

I picked my journ after making my morning coffee and went near to the balcony. sun is already up in the blue sky. White feathery clouds carpeting all over the sky. I'm too early today but the weather is good. Not too shiny not too dark. Small winds are covering my face. I took a sip of the coffee and opened my journal. September 6, what would bey today I don't know.

"It had been a month since I wrote my diary. I don't know what to write except him. I'm in denial but it haunting me from soul. It's heart breaking. I don't wanna remember the memories of him, of us, of me when he is with me.
Hazel is angry at me moreover that she's worrying about me. I don't supposed to hurt her by punishing me. But when I see her I regret my all life decision cause she always said that "he seems unreal" And for the good seek he is not. But the timing is played in my life.
. I recognize everything about him after he ditched me. And now as per my family I'm worthless for everybody except Hazel. I really wanna do something good today. But I think as usual I'll be on bed till 6 pm crying and crying and crying. Then will go to the red door. I always felt like the red door is for me. Then will be back around ten. Fully drunken. Or not able to walk anymore but this is only in somedays but after that day I can't face Hazel. Why In the world she's crying with me and for me and to be honest I can't withstand with that feeling. I still remember the night that I lost control and tried to end it all with a sharp knife. When that blade run into my veins I didn't felt pain but hate towards me. But the mission failed because of Hazel. In hospital bed after treatment she cames to me with teary eyes. Her pale skin was reddish. I can see my blood in her t shirt. She said nothing but hugged me so tightly that I could been able to sink in her body and cried. I can't even control my tears also. So I stopped my all of suicidal plans after of that. Now I'm living just don't want to see her like that again. It had been three that we've talked. I'm avoiding her. But she thinks that, I need some space alone so she just making space for me. But still she do everything to make me feel better. Today I have an urge to read and I don't really want to sit around here. So okay let's go to the library.

It been two years that I came here. But still Hazel thinks I'm spending my day here. A smirk passed through my lips. I enter into my favourite section. I run my fingers through the books. I took one, "Pride and prejudice" _ am I allowed to do this now.I'm not sure. I placed it again in the shelf. Somehow I felt tears in the corner of my eyes ohh.. Shit! It's not a good timing to cry. I wiped it carelessly like doing my hair stand back to my ears. Decided to walk away.

"Hmm... Excuse me! "

Ohh my god! What's with that voice. It enter in to my heart in a blink of second. I felt like I wanna hear it more. I turned back at him. A young man in his mid twenties or atleast felt like that, with a messy hair like he didn't wet his hair properly after shower. Long light brown cot. He staring at me no he is smiling at me, his eyes his smile every thing reminiscing something I don't know about. I stared at him mercilessly. I mean I couldn't stop.

"Hello, I'm Syrus. Today is my best buddy's birth day and he is an ultimate book lover that I've ever seen. So I decided to buy a book but lost here. Because I know zero about the books. I'm not that reading type. So if you have time could you please help me Miss.... "

He paused. Yes, he's looking for my name.

"Alora, "

"Is that means also cloud right? "

"Not exactly, it's like dreaming girl, "

"Ohh.. Like girl on cloud"

Ehww! Why he is speaking like this, I don't think I can help him when he speaks like garbage. Or atleast I'm not interested . Hate to admit that but his blue eyes when he looks at me I'm feeling a tide around my soul. I want to be with him. I don't know the reason but I want to be with him. I'm ready to search for books hours and hours if he's willing to be with me. I smiles at him and replied.

"But my name is not much weird like yours? "

"What you just, ohh.. Huh.. Huh.. My name is weird? Hah? It's the best I've ever heard, it's means sun as much as I wish I can shine like that. I love my name alot"

Why he's defending this much. Its just a name. I said it just to mention that his name is unique. But the word chosen by me is kind of weird but why he is defending this much.

"Hmm.. What kind of book your friend read? "

"I don't know, I just know he loves reading and caught up with books when he is free. But more or less I know nothing"

I think I caught up with a NUT-CASE.

Then what will we do. There so many categories. Like., Romance, classic, self development, literature, poetry, sci-fi,... Etc.

"Hmm.. What's your priority? "
His eyes shines with curiosity.

For me it'll change according to my mood but personally I prefer, classic literature and poetry.

Okay, let's choose one as per your choice.

After selecting a book. I took one for me. "Withering heights by emile brontae". I don't why I took this. I've already red this for 3-4 times. Have paper back also in my shelf. Still I chose this. After packing our books. We went outside. And he looked at me with what's next look.

" Ok, then I've something to catch up"
Ohh.. God why did I said that, I want to be with him. But if I did not said this now it'll be obvious that I like his attention around me. He blinks his eyes in disbelief. And said,

Hmm.. Okay. Ms. Alora. Let's catch up later. It was nice to see you. Thanks for helping me.

I've just smiled at him and walked away. Now we're walking in the same road but opposite direction. I've the urge to turn back and look at him. Why? Why? It's tempting me. I looked back. He isn't looking at me. He is just walking. Okay, then. That's it. Enough. I turned back.

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