Hazel (Hazel Eden)

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"Ohh it's already 10, Mr.Felix  gonna kill me now. I rushed out from my apartment , get in the car and drove to my office. I'm working in an archaeological department, it had been an year and a half since I've started to working.
I reached the office. And my legs are pacing like they are on treadmill in high speed. I raced to the front and accidentally opened the door before knocking.

"What the hell is that Hazel"

"Hmm.. I'm sorry Mr. Felix"

" Get in or get out"

I walked towards the round table and sat beside Alex. I looked at all of the faces but her's is missing.

"Are you listening, Miss?? "

A rough yell came directly towards my eyes. I can see his face getting red.

"Hmm... " I nodded my head.

After the discussion we went to the spot. It was rough area covered with red soil and  a little bit of alluvial soil. I thing there could be a river too. Not so far but not in a place that could seen from here. As far as we reach we found nothing for the first day. We went back after 3 pm. I reached my room. After a shower I went out to the balcony then remembered about Alora. Her room is closed still, where is she wandering I picked up my phone and dialed her number. "The number is unavailable" _ probably in flight mode. I always doubt that why the hell  she keeps a mobile phone. I picked my car keys and went out.

It's 8.30 stll I couldn't find her . I checked all of her favorite locations the library, beach, parkside bench... Still... Yeah there is place too.

"The little red door"_ I went inside, I go through so many still don't find that dark brown eyes.
Yeah there she is blabbering with someone.

" Wh.. Wh... Whoo arreee youhhh.? Hahh.. "


" Ohh...! God... Thaahhtt.. Isshhh... "

She sat down the chair like did nothing and placed her face on the table. I went near to her.

The waiter apologies to me and said that it was all her fault. I said I know that and said sorry for her.

"Aloraa... Get up! "

I grabbed her hand and tried to make her up. But failed. I put some more effort and there I lifted her up. I put her one hand around my neck and put my right hand around her waist. She is taller than me, she isn't heavier she have a beautiful lean body than me but now she is heavier because she putting all of her wait to me so I can't raise my head conveniently. I can only see  legs. I hardly walked through the crowd.

"Ahh.. " _ I bumbed into someone who is he. I can't look him. I said sorry, but didn't look at him. But I want to.

"Hmm... Need a hand" _ he asked gently but his voice pearced my heart and get into my soul. He have that rapsy yet deep voice. His voice reached my soul. I felt cold in my heart. What is happening to me.

"I said please"  Why I said yes to him. Why I need a strangers help to hold my friend why do I trust him. But he helped. We reached near my car. We made sit her inside the car. And finally I looked up at him.

Wow... His face really glittering in the night his blonde hair is that blonde I don't know but it seems blonde waving in his forhead. I freezed there. Said nothing.

"Are you alright? "

"Ahh yes.. I mean no.. Thank you. "

I smiled at him and get in the car. He still standing there I can see him through the mirror. Why is he standing there ?. Why he looking at me like that.? Why? Why is he.. He seems familiar to me.?

I looked straight to the dark like lost something.

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