A group of people came slowly in a pickup truck, and then drove away in a pickup truck.

    The sugar cane leaves behind the car are still fluttering in the wind.

    Su Di looked at the wooden house in the distance and suddenly felt homesick, but he no longer had a home.

    He suddenly leaned forward and asked Qin Chuan who was driving and Pei Qinqin who was humming, "Brother, can we really not follow you? I know how to work! I can do whatever you want me to do." Qin

    Chuan Driving and looking ahead, chewing the juice of dried sugarcane, turning his head and spitting out dregs, he did not accept Su Di's address.

    Pei Qinqin looked back at Su Di while teasing the water spinach and said, "Why do you want to follow us? We don't necessarily go to the base." Even if we did, we probably wouldn't stay for long.

    Qin Chuan doesn't like a life of rules and regulations. When you stay in the base, you must abide by the rules there.

    He has strength and materials, so where is it not good to be unrestrained, and he has to follow other people's rules? They even moved out of their hometown. Food, drink, clothing and housing are all available, and she has three meals a day, so there is almost no worries.

    Zhou Xingwen raised his head and asked Qin Chuan: "Xiao Chuan, you are not going to the shelter anymore? Aren't you looking for chickens?"

    Since that rainy night, all places have erupted. Many chicken farms are left unattended, even if someone wants to take care of them, there is no source of feed supply. After a month, those artificially raised chickens and ducks either died or escaped to become pheasants and ducks, which are hard to find. These live poultry can only exist in the capital where the epidemic is under control.

    "If you find a chicken on the road, don't go there." He doesn't need to go to the survivor's shelter, and Pei Xiaoqin doesn't like places with many people. Didn't she stay at home alone for a month and be so high every day? When there are many people, there will be more dangers, and where there are people, there will be troubles.

    exactly! After passing the Lintian area just now, Pei Qinqin felt that there must be a surviving chicken among so many farms in all corners of the country.

    The capital is really too far away from them. They have to find a way to drive there, clear roadblocks, and store gasoline... The main reason is that she is afraid that she will meet the protagonist when she goes there.

    Why is Qin Chuan so powerful but has no name in the text?

    One, he has been living in a remote place for the elderly and has not participated in world affairs.

    Two, he didn't live to the time when the plot line started!

    This second one might be too scary! Monsters grow much faster than humans with supernatural powers.

    Qin Chuan is powerful, but there is no shortage of people who are more powerful than him. In order not to affect Qin Chuan's future direction, she never expressed her opinion on the issue of where to go. She kept her thoughts in her stomach, because she was afraid of any effect that would change Qin Chuan's fate. Because the plot line hasn't started yet, she doesn't know anything about the current environment!

    Moreover, she has been thinking about the satiety that Su Di and Fan Xiangsui were talking about in the past two days. At first, she thought they ate too much dark dishes cooked by Zhou Xing, but suddenly they tasted normal food and felt excited. Thinking about it later, for this reason, it is impossible for their attitudes to change so completely. There must be something important to them that she doesn't know.

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