Qin Chuan didn't come out, and Zhou Xing and others couldn't go in, but he stayed in the room for four full hours, no matter what, he had to come out for dinner, right?

    Zhou Xing took the initiative to knock on the door three times. After knocking, he paused for three or four seconds, then knocked twice and asked, "Xiao Chuan? Is Qin Qin feeling better? I cooked something, you Come out to eat something?"

    There was no response from the inside.

    Zhou Xing continued: "Xiao Chuan? How can you take care of Qin Qin if you don't eat? Don't force it—"

    The door opened before he finished speaking.

    Qin Chuan stared at Zhou Xing with a gloomy expression and said nothing.

    Obviously he just woke up, to be precise, he was woken up by Zhou Xing's knock on the door.

    Zhou Xing glanced into the room, wasn't he taking care of someone? How did you fall asleep? ?

    Under the gaze of Qin Chuan's death, he slowly retracted his gaze, and asked fearlessly and friendlyly: "Xiao Chuan, how is Qin Qin's health? Let Ah Xiang go in and have a look, and you come out to eat something, we made it Hot rice, see what flavor you want."

    Qin Chuan is worried that outsiders will touch Pei Qinqin, who has no ability to resist, where he can't see, but he really doesn't know Pei Qinqin's physical condition, the most he can do is touch the carotid artery to confirm her whether to survive.

    He stepped aside, and Zhou Xing quickly called Fan Xiangsui to come over.

    Under Qin Chuan's observation, Fan Xiangsui was going to take Pei Qinqin's temperature first, but as soon as she took out the thermometer, Pei Qinqin suddenly "deceived the corpse"! One stood up and sat up on the bed, so startled that Fan Xiangsui raised a knife to defend himself!

    With a flash of the blade, Qin Chuan's unawakened brows and eyes instantly sharpened, and he pulled Pei Qinqin into his arms with lightning speed, and at the same time raised his other hand to firmly block Fan Xiangsui's arm, preventing him from chopping off the zombie The blade fell.

    He frowned, pushed Fan Xiangsui away very rudely, and lowered his head to check whether Pei Qinqin's neck was hurt.

    Such a thrilling accident happened only in the blink of an eye, and Zhou Xing, who was known as the fastest with the ability of wind, stimulated the veins in his temples to tremble.

    Pei Qinqin's sudden standing up startled him, and Fan Xiangsui's slashing with a knife scared him even more! If Qin Chuan had slowed down by a second, Qin Qin would have been killed by Fan Xiangsui's head!

    He could understand Fan Xiangsui's reaction. If they hadn't been so tense and vigilant these days, they would have died long ago, but this was not a reason to calm Qin Chuan.

    The look Qin Chuan gave Fan Xiangsui just now made him have no doubt that he would kill Fan Xiangsui.

    What's the matter?

    Zhou Xing pulled Fan Xiangsui up and winked for her to go out first.

    Fan Xiangsui was also terrified, not because he almost killed someone by mistake, but because Qin Chuan looked at her when he blocked her knife, so deep and so cold.

    He definitely had a lot of lives in his hands!

    Fan Xiangsui ran out resolutely, and Qin Chuan, who was checking Pei Qinqin's wound, took time to look at her back.

    Zhou Xingxing came over to block his sight and said, "Xiao Chuan, I'm to blame for this. Fan Xiangsui didn't do it on purpose. She couldn't control her conditioned reflex. I'm sorry, I will never let her near Qin Qin's side in the future." Pei Qinqin pressed his forehead against Qin Qin

    . On Qin Chuan's shoulder, he suddenly reached out and grabbed Qin Chuan's collar, his lips were so dry that they peeled and said, "Water, I want to drink water! I want to drink water!" Seeing this,

    Zhou Xing immediately handed over the mineral water in his hand. past.

    Pei Qinqinhou hurried over and drank one bottle, it wasn't enough!

    Qin Chuan reached out for the backpack on the side with considerable experience, and took out bottles of water for her one after another.

    It wasn't until the sixth bottle that Pei Qinqin recovered, and his mental outlook was improving at a speed visible to the naked eye.

    It was not the first time Qin Chuan saw her like this, but Zhou Xing did.

    For the first time, he discovered that drinking more water can really help you get better when you are sick! !

    Pei Qinqin burped after drinking the water, his stomach under the thin blanket was flat, and he made a rumbling sound of hunger.

    Zhou Xing's eyes fell on her abdomen uncontrollably.

    Where about water? Where is the water she drinks? ! Even if liquid food and solid food are packed in separate stomachs, you have to be brave and give those bottles of water a face, right?

    "Brother, I'm hungry." Pei Qinqin said while pressing his stomach.

    Qin Chuan was not surprised, and took out two bags of five-packs of braised beef noodles from his backpack, a basin, and an electric kettle... In short, the lady's backpack is a treasure chest, and there is everything in it.

    Seeing this, Zhou Xing left the room in a daze.

    These two people are not normal, Xiao Chuan and Qin Qin are not normal...

    One is too strong to hide his secrets, and the other is soft and weak, drinking water to reduce his fever, which is a high fever of more than 40 degrees!

The daily life of a passerby in the last daysحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن