"Symone can be the name if Grape's a girl."

"I like Brylee too. Brylee Symone."

"That's cute."

"I really want a girl."

"And how come?"

"I feel like a baby girl would change me from this horrible.. fucked up individual I am." She expressed, the frustration becoming visual. "Ok then, calm down. A baby period would change that for you, people tend to calm down after having kids."

"We'll know Grape's gender in a week or 2." I added. "And then they'll be on their way."

"We have fall to get through, and winter, before Grape's here a little before spring." I told her, rubbing her head. "Keep doing that."

"My hands gonna get greasy."

"Nah, my shit dry. I need a retwist." She yawned, I hummed. "And you plan on doing that when?"

"I don't know, what you need ya' hair done?" She asked, I shook my head. "I'm cutting it." I mumbled, she raised an eyebrow.

"You deadass?"

"Deadass." I replied with a nod. "Nah bae... that's not gone work." She stared at me as if she was trying to envision it. "Girl, I'm not cutting myself bald, dumbass. I'm just trimming my hair down." I told her, chuckling a bit and she hummed.

"Then what ima pull on?"

"Nothing, you ain't pulled shit lately so why start."

"I don't want my baby to know what a earthquake is before it even come out." She stated while I mockingly hummed. "Girl, you 3 months. You can wait bout 7 more."

"I sure can, after I drop Grape we're never fucking again."

"Bullshit." She frowned, I raised an eyebrow. "Try me."

"I will. Tired of wasting my nut, somebody gotta catch it."

"Girl, you definitely aren't touching me now." I scoffed, pushing her off me. "Come on ma.." She insisted with a small chuckle.

"I'm not laughing."

"I know, you need to. I'm fucking with you." She stated, I hummed. "You talking bout 8 kids, where these 8 kids gone be?"

"Shhhh, I'm working on that."

"Which means?"

"I told you bout the piece I bought, I'm working on getting it built to maybe a 3 or 4 bedroom." She started, I raised an eyebrow.

"And how's that going?"

"Don't worry bout that.. just know it's coming quick. I want y'all to move in with me when it's done." She said, everything went silent.

"I don't know. We gone make it work, though. I wanna feel like I'm in an actual relationship. I wanna wake up to you, come home to you, be able to talk and touch you whenever I want. Be able to eat ya' snacks and shit up like you do me. I wanna do all that." She explained, I giggled.

"I'll think about it once I talk to the boys about it." I said, she hummed. "You know what's coming after Grape... right?"


"Mhm... our anniversary will be here in a few months. I wanna take you somewhere you've never been." She told me, I sighed. "I don't feel like going out."

"Girl, shit gone be months from now." She said, I sighed. "Ok."

"And what do you want?"

"You to be happy." She said, I hummed. "Well..."

"Shhh." She insisted, kissing my belly. "When's the baby shower?"

"On the 8th."

"I don't wanna do that shit." She admitted, I agreed. "I know, but... shit, I don't even know what to say." I said, she chuckled.

"I still wanna know Skittles gender." I reminded her, she hummed. "Takes the fun away, if we just found out huh. I would hate for that shit to happen." She said, I chuckled.

"The doctor almost slipped up... I don't even know how he could tell."

"He was old." I reminded her, she shrugged. "I almost beat his old ass."

"You're so violent." I shook my head.

"That's a lie, I've completely calmed down." She said. I shrugged. "A little, I like that."

"I know you do, got me acting like a bitch and shit." She said, I chuckled. "Girl whatever."



"I love you." She mumbled against my stomach. "I love you too."

"I love you more." She moved up and pressed her lips against mine, pecking them repeatedly. "Sydney, ima need you to find ya' hook." I told her.

"Bet, when I leave and go to work I don't want you calling saying you miss me." She told me, I hummed. "Oh ima do that anyways." I stated while she chuckled.

"I know, so quit acting like you don't want my kisses."

"I don't."

"Yes you do." She grabbed my throat and pressed our lips together, I hummed into the kiss before actually pulling away. "Alright.." I stated, she chuckled and climbed up next to me.

I watched as she kissed my stomach again before snuggling closer to me. She closed her eyes and wrapped her arms around me before sighing, I sighed in response.

"Goodnight baby."



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