Under the illumination of the neon lights, Pei Qinqin clearly saw that there was also a biting wound on the murderer's neck, which had scabbed over and was solidified black.

This should be the living dead described in the article.

Pei Qinqin kept looking at him, and the other party quickly looked over. As the two looked at each other, the man in the suit who had just been killed by him twitched and got up from the ground.

The two of them stared at her with cloudy silver eyes, seeing Pei Qinqin terrified, and their heartbeats rushed to their throats in a second.

She seems to be in trouble - can't I stop watching it!

Help! !

Pei Qinqin was finally inspired to survive, but at this moment, the girl who was dragging her to escape was suddenly thrown down by the zombies beside her!

Pei Qinqin was taken staggeringly, seeing the girl's rapidly graying eyes and twitching body, before it was too late to hurt the spring and autumn, she quickly got up on hands and feet and ran for her life.

It's a dream, it's a dream, it must be a dream! As long as she runs to the end of the road, she can wake up from her dream!

Pei Qinqin tried her best to avoid the zombies around her. She knew that it was useless to keep running on the street. The first thing to do was to find a shelter!

I thought so, but with his life at stake, Pei Qinqin couldn't pay attention to the surrounding buildings at all!

She can only follow the flow of people and rush forward, not to be the one who falls behind and gets knocked down!

The turmoil happened in the city center, and many people panicked and rushed into various buildings such as residential areas, shopping malls, and buildings, trying to rely on tall buildings to block the monsters outside.

Pei Qinqin is also one of them.

She hid in a residential building, but she regretted it as soon as she entered, because the buildings in the residential building are very dense, and the corresponding population flow is also very large. If there are also infected people here, it must be that there is no way to go to heaven and no way to go to earth, and the only option is to lie down and wait for death.

Will there be infected people in the building? definitely will!

Pei Qinqin stood in the corner and observed the crowds pouring in, men, women, young and old, rich and poor, all kinds of people, all of them were more or less bloodstained.

The entrance and exit gates have been locked.

Pei Qinqin ignored the elevator on the side, found the safe passage door and pushed it open, slipped in and ran up.

Now that the virus has just broken out, people who stay at home should not be infected. She can find someone to borrow and leave after dawn.

She remembered that the zombies at the beginning mainly recognized people by smell. Their eyesight was very weak, almost blind, and they were only sensitive to light. Coupled with no pain, tirelessness, no knowledge of death, and instinctive behaviors such as loving the flesh and blood of living people, they will hunt and kill humans endlessly.

But what is gratifying is that after being infected, their limbs become stiff, and their movement speed is the same as or slower than that of ordinary people. As long as their brains are killed, the opponent will die completely.

It shouldn't be too difficult to deal with them if troops are deployed to support them and ammunition is sufficient.

So as long as she survives the start, she will be rescued by the state in the future!

Pei Qinqin ran up to the fourth floor in one breath, and couldn't run anymore, so he leaned on the wall and knocked on the door of a nearby room for help.

She felt that there were so many families here, there would always be a kind person to take her in.

However, things were beyond her expectation. She knocked on more than ten houses but no one opened the door for her, not even a response. And the screams from the hall on the first floor have spread to the fourth floor, indicating that someone in the crowd has been infected.

There is no way out of the gate, and they cannot escape.

Pei Qinqin could only continue to climb upstairs with heavy steps.

She didn't want to climb higher, because the higher she climbed now, the harder it would be to leave tomorrow.

But the people downstairs have already been infected. If she doesn't go up, they will look for the smell and transform her into the same kind. This is still a relatively good result. If there are many zombies and she is the only prey, she is very likely to be gnawed by each of them, and there is no bone left!

How painful is this? Even thinking about it is scary.

What do you mean she ran, wouldn't it be nice to be bitten on the street and become the same kind?

Let you run, I let you run!

Pei Qinqin twisted her thigh so hard that she almost cried.

It hurts, it's really not a dream.

She was thrown into the novel world by the monster.

Panting, Pei Qinqin leaned on the handrail of the stairs, looked up at the number ⑩ on the safety door, feeling so desperate.

But no matter how desperate you are, you don't want to be eaten by zombies.

She sniffed, raised her arms to wipe off the sweat on her face and continued to run up until the roof locked the roof door from the outside before slipping on the door and falling to the ground.

She could no longer hear the knocking on the door and calls for help from downstairs, only her own thunderous heartbeat was in her ears.

No one will open the door, they make such a big noise, it is not safe to hear, and before the residents open the door, they will check the situation through the monitor or peephole at the door. Seeing their ghostly appearance, it is good to lock the door without being scared up.

Survivors gathered in the downstairs hall will be infected into zombies, and they will hang around the door of someone's house for a long time in an attempt to break in.

Calculated by floor, she was the last one to be conquered.

As long as there are people in the house downstairs, they will not come up so soon.

Pei Qinqin huddled in a corner wet and was forced to analyze the situation in front of her: she might be safe tonight, but tomorrow she might not be sure.

If she couldn't wait for rescue, she might starve to death here, or she might collapse and jump off the roof, or open the roof door to become the zombie's ration.

Anyway, all roads lead to hell, there are only two differences between dying swiftly and slowly.

No, she can't think like that!

Wasn't the heroine in the article rescued by the national rescue team? It is impossible for the rescue team to save only one protagonist. She persists and will always wait for rescue.

Well, that's right!

Pei Qinqin tried her best to cheer herself up, if she could hold on, she would definitely hold on!

But as soon as his confidence in survival increased a little, he was scattered by the sudden knock on the door.

Pei Qinqin sat down on the ground in fright, and then quickly climbed up to the water tower on the top of the building.

What the hell? Why don't you follow my analysis to QAQ, you don't want to eat someone downstairs, you have to eat the one on the roof?

Are you sick!

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