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Hidimba was in quite a dilemma, Should she answer the invitation she had received or not?
On one hand, she wants no reminders of her foolishness from her youth. On the other, she doesn't want to burn any possible bridges for her son. 

She had thought herself smart and cunning when she had convinced those humans to let her marry one of them to gain a powerful son. Though a human Bheem had not only defeated her brother but also killed him. Surely with her powers and his strength, they would be able to create a powerful son. 

Alas, she had not predicted them leaving her and her newborn behind. How could she when the mother had been so adamant in keeping all her sons together? But it was the same mother who persuaded the rest to leave them behind before her son could learn to fully identify her father. It wasn't safe for her sons to stay any longer and it would be cruel to leave after young Gatorkach would form lasting memories of them. 

Oh, she had heard as to how her 'husband' and his brothers had married the fire-born princess on their mother's command. Of how they had all said she was their first wife and born their first sons. Being left behind had stung but being forgotten....

Her community had thought her a fool, her son was almost an outcast. Their only saving grace was the fact that her father had elected her as the leader of her tribe before his death and that Gatorkach had an early manifestation of his powers. Spinning the tale in her favor had been easy from there. 

She had even married one of her fellow councilmen who was luckily more than tolerant towards her firstborn. Many had expected her to discard her half-human son but Gatorkach was needed. Someone of her blood had to lead the tribe after her, all of her other children were already claimed by her husband's clan.

Although half-human Gatorkach had powerful magical powers and was good as her in Maya. Her hope of his physical strength however was not fulfilled. He was strong and capable in all kinds of warfare but it was comparable to her other children and nothing extraordinary like Bheem. Which only added salt to her injury.

In rakshas, females are not tied to only one male she can have as many relations as she wants and no one would question her. Marriages only take place to strengthen your clan's standing in the council. However polyandry was unheard of, and to think those humans forced that princess into one for the sake of their mother's words was laughable. However, if they had done it to maintain equal favor from the king then it was applaudable. After all which King doesn't want his daughter to become Queen even if only one of her husbands will become King. 

She had heard of all the marriages that took place even before the newborn could leave her father's home. She had heard of all the children that they had had. In a way, she was thankful that they had abandoned Gatorkach so early in his life. He had understood that there was very little chance that he would be acknowledged by his sire very less accepted. It had never limited him but such knowledge can be a heavy burden for anyone. 

And today this unexpected invite had come. News of Subhadra's abduction had reached them. Hidimba was wondering what the fire-born queen would do now. This was a co-wife she couldn't keep outside of her kingdom without looking heartless nor could she accept her without looking partial. 

This decision of hers was unexpected but no less cunning. Humans thought that she had refused to house her co-wives out of jealousy. What they didn't understand was that by keeping all the other wives out of the palace and hence council she had saved them from a political nightmare.  

The king of Gandhar had only gone to Hastinapur to settle his sister there, however, he ended up staying there as a prominent figure in the council who actively lobbied for his nephews. Many Kings had noted this strategy and started to implement it for their daughters. However, without those princesses, the kingdoms couldn't send any political representatives without looking at controlling. Hence the council was filled with capable representatives or at least those who would listen to them and more importantly loyal to them and not to their respective princess. 

Now, however, they had pushed the Agni-sutaa (daughter of Agni) too far. In retaliation, she has opened the floodgates, to the kingdom. Now the Pandavas would have to maintain their various relationships at the same time and a political calm without offending anyone or showing favoritism (blatantly at least).

On one hand, she does not wish to give him any false hope. But times are changing, the rakshas race is no longer formidable nor is it able to keep up with the human race. Dark times were approaching and soon the nagas, asuras, and rakshas have to go into hiding for survival. If she sends Gatorkach to his site then he could learn more about the humans and would aid in their plans. 

Maybe she should leave this decision to Gatorkach only. He has already started his training to replace her, surely he is knowledgeable enough to make the right decision. Even if he is not then this would be a good learning experience for him.

Yes, she would let Gatorkach know and let him decide his fate.

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