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Today Gandharnaresh Saluba was very happy, for today was the day that his youngest wife was going to give birth to his second child. She was to be the greatest Shiv bhakt of this. She had already given birth to his 10th son who he had named Shakuni. Shakuni was his favorite son, he was a smart, handsome, intelligent, and cunning child who despite his young age could manipulate any situation in his favor.

And now he'll have another child who the Rajguru had predicted to become an unforgettable figure in history. That's how Gandhari was born, the youngest child to King Saluba who was loved by all and spoiled by her older brothers, especially Shakuni. 

As she grew up she worshiped Shiv more than others and convinced her father to commission temples for him and Mata Gauri. Remembering the predictions he obliged. Other than that she became the perfect princess, she was well-read and well-versed in music, dance, cooking, and more. She was kind to her subjects and helped her mother and stepmothers in completing their duties towards them. 

What many didn't know was that her brothers had ensured that she knew the art of weapons, horse riding, and politics as well. Under Shakuni's tutelage, she too learned how to manipulate situations and politics in her favor, the only difference was that she was more subtle in her approach and knew how to do it without getting caught. But she was still a kindhearted girl who only used this knowledge when it was required and helped her to remain an unrecognized political power.

Kindhearted however didn't mean naive. Despite her young age, she understood that although her mother was the King's favorite, it was the Queen who had provided the King with his heir and many other sons were the ones who had the most say and power.

On her 15th birthday, the Rajguru read her birth chart and found out the girl was Mangalik and that her first husband would die within hours of marriage. Worried he suggested that she does penance to Lord Shiva so that he could help her or show some way.

So she did, she performed penance and austerities to please God. When she finally did he instructed her to marry a goat and then sacrifice him. He also told her to ask for any boon that she wanted, so she asked for 100 sons.

With the knowledge and boon in hand, she went back to her home. 

Saluba and his sons hid the defect in her birth chart and did as instructed by Mahadev secretly. While the knowledge of the boon was spread far and wide to fetch her a grand alliance.
The tales of the princess who had the boon of 100 sons soon reached Hastinapur as well.

 Bheesm on the instructions of Satyavati brought a portion of the army under the pretext of negotiations. Upon hearing that the alliance was for the blind first prince instead of the crowned second son Shakuni was enraged but held his tongue on his father's instructions. Gandhari too was shocked hearing it, Yes there was a possibility of her son ascending the throne but only if Pandu's future wife didn't provide an heir first. What was the use of 100 sons if none of them would get the throne? She wanted to reject the alliance but there was no way of doing so without waging a war, There was also a possibility that Bheesm might just abduct her as he did for his brother. Gandhari was no Amba, the rejection and revenge path was not hers to follow.

So she protested in the only way she could. On the pretext of love and understanding her husband's plight and difficulties she blindfolded herself only to be open when it was required. The whole world bought her act, after all the youngest princess was bound to be naive and not versed in politics and manipulation. Yes, it created a lot of problems between her husband and herself but it also brought the goodwill and sympathy of the royal family and subjects of Hastinapur. The only downside was her Bhrata Shakuni's sadness.

Just when things were getting better, Bheesm found out about her "first" marriage. Without listening to a word she had to say, the elders waged war against her kingdom. Her father and brothers were imprisoned and treated worse than animals while the women folk either escaped to their maternal homes or committed suicides. They didn't even spare any of her nephews. By the time she explained and corrected their information, it was already too late, none other than Shakuni survived. 

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