Chapter-2:First meet

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All most a month had passed and Andrew and Diana haven't even talked, Andrew gave his love and attention to his soulmate although he was dreaded because of Di's decision. Gwen thought that Diana was just drunk talking but when she make it out that it was real, she didn't knew what to feel. She clearly noticed that Andrew wasn't really happy, so she made a decision. 

She met up with Diana and talked it out, she apologized to her and cried her heart out. Since then Diana and Gwen were frenemies, there bickering and teasing never stopped.

Flashback ends..

"Where do you wanna go?" she asked him, "Idc, mall maybe?" he said. "Sounds good, pick me up at 7. Bye, love you." she said and the other line replied-"Love you too."

She continued reading for couple of minutes and then changed for the mall.

Soon the two left for the mall in the boy's car, "How was the last day of shoot?" he asked

Rất tiếc! Hình ảnh này không tuân theo hướng dẫn nội dung. Để tiếp tục đăng tải, vui lòng xóa hoặc tải lên một hình ảnh khác.

Soon the two left for the mall in the boy's car, "How was the last day of shoot?" he asked. "Great, a bit tiring but great." she said as she continued to look out of the window.

The two talked about everything, catching up on there lives. Soon they arrived at the mall, the two didn't even bat an eye lash and dashed towards the arcade. They were wearing there masks and having the time of there lives, they went to a candy floss stall to get some and clicked picks.

"Let's go to the food court, please" Andrew said and started to drag her along with him. They sat on the private VIP lounge and took of there masks, "Di, I have been meaning to talk to you about this for a long time." Andrew said.

"About what?" she asked while drinking her mocktail, "Your soulmates." he said bluntly. Diana choked on her drink and said-"What had gotten into you, all of a sudden?" 

"Di, you are 21 already, you need to find your soulmates soon." he said softly, Diana looked at him furrowed brows and said-"It's not like I don't want to meet them, I just don't know what to do about it. And with James with me, Who know even if they want me-" Andrew cut her off and said-"They will be a fool to not want you Di, you are the best soul mate anyone can ever have. Don't even think low of yourself." his voice was stern but Diana just smiled at him.

She was about to say something when aloud bang was heard, startled by the sudden explosion Andrew was quick on his feet pushing Diana behind him. He looked out slightly to see few people carrying heavy loaded guns, his eyes went wide at the scene.

A man in lab coat was carrying something in a suitcase, there were many soldier looking people around him with high tech weapons. "Di, stay quiet. Some next level sci-fi shit is happening." he said in a hushed tone. 

They stayed inside the room for few minutes but then the door open with a bang and the guys point there gun at the two. Andrew was still shielding Diana's body slightly hugging her.

"Aha we have stars here. Andrew Garfield and Diana Wilson." one of them who looked like there leader said with a smug grin. "What do you want from us?" Diana said coldly.

"Oh nothing Miss Wilson, we just need your help." he said while gripping her arms and yanking her at gun point. Andrew was held by two guards with gun on his forehead, he gritted his teeth in anger.

"We have nothing for you" she said while fiddling away but he aimed the gun at her forehead stopping her actions. "Nothing Darling, just need to get us out of this place by being our hostage. The two infamous actors at gun point, those stupid Avengers won't even bat a bullet." he said as he dragged her towards the parking lot along with Andrew.

They were walking towards the van but all of a sudden the guy at the corner was knocked out by a shield. The soldiers around grew alert and the leader harshly grabbed her arm aiming his gun closer. Diana winced at the harsh contact making the guy holding her hit her with the edge of his gun, her forehead started bleed because of the hit.

Andrew growled at him and punched without thinking twice, the guy fired his gun at him but he was gone in a flash. "Avengers are here." there leader hissed tugging Diana and lapping towards his van. But even before he can come any way near it a metal suit come flying towards them and knocks two leaving 4 excluding the leader.

He was red in anger, he gripped on Diana's hair and said-"Stop it Captain! If not then watch Diana Wilson die in cold blood." Tears pooled her eyes as he gripped her hairs even tighter.

Captain America comes out of the shadow while glaring daggers at the guy, "Let her go this instant." he growled not liking the way her eyes pooled with tears and the disgustingly close proximity he was forcing on the girl.

"Let us go and I'll think about it, Captain." he said while sniffling her hairs, "Or maybe after having some fun." he said with a disgusting smirk. Diana's eyes widened when she heard him, she started to fiddle in his grip when he slapped her hard making her fall on the ground. "Bloody bitch" he hissed. Diana's lip began to bleed at the corner. He still had a gun aimed at her.

Steve tried to walk forwards but the other guards pointed there guns at him. They were too focused on Captain to notice that Tony was standing right behind them. He knocked the leader and picked Diana up, he was in his iron man suit so couldn't make the first touch.

Diana looked at him with wide eyes, she squealed and hugged his neck tighter when he took a flight. He was quick to bring her out of the lot where Andrew was sitting in one of the albums pacing back and forth.

"Take care of yourself Miss Diana." Iron man said while he took her hands in his metallic one and kissed it through mask and flew back in before she could thank him. She was in utter shock when Andrew tackled him in a hug and said-"OMG, are you okay? No no, your lip is ble- Ouch!!" he was cut off when Diana started to hit him with her fist.

"You fool! Why did you do that!!? What if the bullet actually hit you!??" she continued to hit him not too hard, "Ahh, sorry, plz plz Di. Let me live~" he whined while covering himself.

Tony's POV-

I had just dropped Diana out of the mall, it was a weird and giddy feeling. The I couldn't comprehend, when I got back to the scene my team/mates were already done with finishing the bunch of assholes.

"Are we done?" I asked as soon as I came, "Yeah, almost. Did you dropped the girl safely?" Captain asked. 

"Yeah. I did." I replied. "We need to interrogate her and her friend. Let's go." Cap said and I and Pitero followed him out.

"Excuse me? Where is the lady we rescued and the guy with her?" Captain asked one of the paramedics. "They just left few minutes ago." he informed.

Captain clearly looked diss-appointed, "Don't worry Cap's. Leave it to me, she is a popular actress and tomorrow is a party in which I was gladly invited. So leave it to me." I said with a smirk.

"Diana Wilson, we will meet soon."

Soulmates (Avengers AU)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ