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     We arrived at the Kiszka's . The boys were all out of the van before me. I climbed out and looked around the Kiszka's. I remember coming here a couple times when Danny and I were younger but I still can't remember meeting Jake and Josh.

I was interrupted by my thoughts by Danny.

Danny: Kay, is everything okay? I know you had a rough year and all of this can be overwhelming but I'm here. You can talk to me just like the old times.

Me: honestly Danny I haven't been okay since before I left but I was just taking in the Kiszka residence. It's beautiful.

Danny: I know you went through your breakup the week before being moved out of Frankenmuth. It's very beautiful isn't it?

Me: yes

We got interrupted by Sam running over.

Sam: Kay! Come on mom is dying to see you.

Danny lead the way through the Kiszka's garage and I'm very amazed by their set up. We walked past the band equipment and up a small set of stairs leading into the Kiszka's kitchen of their house. It smelt amazing.

Soon as I stepped through the door and Danny walked over to the fridge for something to drink. I was wrapped in a hug by Mrs kiszka. I hugged her back. She definitely gives the best hugs.

Me: it's really nice to see you again Mrs.Kiszka.
Mrs. Kiszka: oh Kay call me Karen.
Me: okay Karen

I smiled at her.

Karen: well sweetie I made fresh cookies for everyone. Now go grab you a couple before Jake eats them all.
Jake: mom!

We all laughed.

I stepped over to the counter and grabbed a couple of cookies. I felt someone hovering me so I turned my head to see who and it was no other than Jake just like his mama said I better get some cookies before he eats most of them.

Jake reached for a cookie and accidentally glided his hand on my mine.

Jake: I'm sorry
Me: it's okay. I'll move out of your way.
Jake: oh no go ahead I'll wait like I should have.
Me: oh no I'm good I have enough.

I moved my way over to Danny. I stood there eating one of my two cookies.

Me: wow these are the best cookies I've ever had.
Danny: Karen is the best. Don't tell mom I said that.
Me: I won't. It's really nice being back.
Danny: well we have a whole summer planned and you're not allowed to back out.
Me: why would I back out? I missed hanging out with my favorite cousin.

Danny was about to respond until we got interrupted by Jake.

Jake: alright let's go practice. We will need time to get ready before the show.

Jake walked back into the garage and the boys followed. I was last once again. I walked into the garage and seen everyone getting in their spots. I noticed Danny was on the drums.

Me: ohhhh you're the drummer! I knew you played guitar but not drums.
Danny: yea Jake here helped me learn to play.
Jake: actually Danny is just a quick learner and was his fate to play drums. He's the beat of the fleet.
Me: beat of the fleet?
Josh: yes our name is Greta Van Fleet
Me: oh like Mrs Gretna Van Fleet?
Sam: yes actually we named our band after her and she loves it.

Jake: okay let's get started. Kay you can sit on the couch over there.

I did as I was told and sat down. It didn't take long for them to start. I do have to say they are amazing. Even the lyrics were amazing.

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