Time to head to Frankenmuth

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   I woke up to my  mom shaking me.

Mom; Kay it's time for us to go.
Me: do I get to at least see Allie before I go?
Mom: no she will be making her way down in a week or so. Grab your bags and let's go before we are late
Me: you mean before you're late
Mom: no back talking missy now let's go.

Mom left my room. I rolled out of bed and through my hair up into a messy bun and threw on some comfy clothes. I grabbed my bags and headed to the bathroom to quickly brush my teeth since mom is rushing. I grabbed my bags and headed to the front door of our two bedroom apartment.

Mom: change of plans aunt Lori is sending Danny to come get you. He hasn't stopped talking about you since we left from Frankenmuth.

Me: mom that was literally a year ago.

Mom: he missed you sweetie. Now don't fall asleep because he should be here in an hour and a half depending on traffic.

Me: okay have fun with whatever your plans are...

Mom: honey I deserve some time to myself you're almost 18

Me: okay mom have fun

Mom finally left the apartment so i laid down on our couch. I turned on some music to pass by time but apparently I must had fallen asleep. I got woken up to a loud knock at the door. I reached for my phone to see I had 3 missed calls from Danny. I then rushed to the door to answer.

I opened the door and there stood Danny with 3 other boys. I remembered one of the boys. His best friend Sam.

Danny: Kay Kay!
Me: are we 5 again?
Danny: no but I will always call you that.
Me: okay fine Dan the man
Danny: awe what happened to Dan Dan?
Me: like I said we are not five.

Danny finally pushed his way through the door and past me.

Danny; oh yea do you remember Sam?
Me: of course I remember Sammy!
Sam: it's Sam now
Me: awe what happened to Sammy?
Sam: well like you said we are not five anymore
Me: true but who are the other two boys?
Male 1 : I'm Josh!
Male 2: I'm Jake

Me: hi I'm Kay and you two are obviously related to Sam I see the resemblance.
Josh: yup he is our little brother. Ain't that right Sammy?
Sam: it's Sam.
Me: okay okay so are we leaving? And Danny how did you drive here anyways? I thought you couldn't drive yet?
Danny: that's why Jake and Josh are here.
Me: right.
Danny: where is Allie?
Me: she has to finish her last week of college before summer break.
Danny: that's right.
Me: can we go now?
Danny: sure

I grabbed my key from the key holder and went to grab my bags.

Jake: I got that
Me: oh no it's fine I can get them.
Jake: no it's my pleasure Kay Kay.
Me: it's Kay

I let the boys step out first and myself. I turned around shut the door and locked it. We headed down the hall and down the two flight of stairs. Living on the third floor kinda sucks. We finally reached the main door of the apartment complex. I followed Danny and Sam to a van. Sam opened the back door and slid in. I slid in after him and then Josh slid in after me and shut the van door. Jake got in the driver seat and Danny got in the passenger seat.

Me: is Jake a safe driver?
Jake: oh yea totally
Danny: besides that one time
Me: okay I'm going to take a nap so I don't see if my life ends.
Danny: I was joking Kay but you can take a nap.
Me: okay dad thank you for allowing me to nap.

I got all the boys to laugh at that come back.

We were already 15 minutes on the road and I felt my eyes get heavy so I decided to close them but in just a slick of a second I was out.

I must have slept the whole ride because Sam woke me up.

Sam: Kay we are here.

I opened my eyes and noticed I must had laid my head on Josh's shoulder.

Me: I'm so sorry

Josh: don't be darlin I didn't mind.

Josh opened the van door and jumped out. I climbed out next then Sam. I went to the trunk of the van to grab my bags. I pulled both bags out and then felt a hand on mine.

Josh: I got the bags.
Me: you really don't have to my hands aren't broke.
Josh: I really do.
Me: awe such a gentleman.

Danny came around and looped his arm in mine.

Danny: may I show you where you're sleeping madam
Me: sure.

We both walked through his front door and Josie came running down the stairs.

Josie: Kay!!!!
Me: Josie!!!

Danny: I didn't get that much excitement out of you and I'm your favorite cousin.
Me: jealous much?
Danny: a bit

We all laughed

Josie and Danny showed me to their guest room which is on the first floor.

Me: wow your mom really changed it since I've been here.

Josie: the bedding is new and she wanted a neutral color so dad and Danny painted the room.
Me: I'm loving the decorations.
Danny: yea she had to have photos of places around Frankenmuth.
Me: brings back memories.

We got interrupted by Josh.

Josh: okay so what shall we do today?
Jake: well we do have a gig tonight so we should practice.

Me: practice? A gig?
Josie: Danny didn't tell you that he's in a band?
Me: no he didn't
Danny: I wanted it to be a surprise. I was going to let you come with me to practice and bring you to our gig later.
Me: that sounds fun.

Sam: Danny seriously didn't tell you!?
Me: seriously he didn't tell me.
Sam: let's go then. I hope you remember mama Kiszka because she is dying to see you.
Me: I could never forget mama Kiszka. Especially at all of our school events has kids. She definitely brought life to our school parties.
Sam: you will like Josh then

Jake: okay well not to ruin the moment but we need to go practice.

We all headed to the van drove to the Kiszka's.

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