"Cold"-Elizabeth Gillies

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Takes place Liz's second year of shooting SDRR. She lives with Michael in a NYC apartment.

I've lived in New York for about a year now and don't get me wrong, I adore fall; it's my favorite time of the year, but it's a lot colder than Los Angeles, which is one of it's less favorable qualities in my opinion.

"Fucking asshole." I whisper under my breath as I leave my Uber and the cold wind hits me like a hundred pounds of bricks. I now regret having my Uber drop me off at the end of my street but then again, this strange man doesn't need to know where I live.

It's late and it's dark out and I know I should have just let him drop me off at my door but I'm still paranoid from a previous Uber ride where the driver followed me into the coffee shop and sat down next to me and refused to leave... He eventually did when I threatened to call the police but it was still jarring. He stormed out and I heard him curse under his breath and mumble something about leaving a bad review for me.

Yes, because I was the one in the wrong.

That probably explains why my rating is so low and why I can never find any rides anymore.

I continue walking quickly so I can get home and I take my phone out of my purse to check the weather

November 29th: 21° F

God. I think while sighing to myself.

I walk as fast as I can up my street in an attempt to limit the amount of time spent in this harsh, cold weather.

I see my apartment building coming up and I book it for the door.

A wave of warmth comes over me as I step through the sliding glass doors of my apartment building. I'm out of breath, and freezing still but I'm home.

I opt for the stairs an in attempt to warm up. I'm still freezing, my hands are numb and I just want to see Michael and my dogs.

Michale smiles at me from the couch as I walk through our apartment door.

He turns the tv down.

"How was work?" He asks.

"Good." I reply.

"What'd you film today?"

"I don't remember." I sigh as I drop my bag on the kitchen table and flop down on the couch next to him.

"You're talkative today." He teases as he puts his arms around me. "Bad day?"

I hug him tightly.

"No, I'm just really cold from walking home." I bury my face in his chest.

"Babe, why would you walk home? It's freezing outside."

"I don't know. I didn't want that creepy Uber driver knowing where I live." I reply.

"You could've called me. I would've dropped whatever I was doing to come get you, you know that."

"Mmhmm" I mumble.

"Babe you're shivering. How far did you walk?" He asks.

"Like fifteen minutes." I say meekly.

"Oh, honey." Michael says.

He wraps his arms around me tighter and grabs the blanket off the back of the couch, tightly wrapping it around me as he rubs up and down my back to warm me up.

I'm dozing off when I hear him say,


"Yes, thank you, Michael." I reply and close my eyes.

Elizabeth Gillies Oneshots Where stories live. Discover now