𝟓| 𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐭𝐨 𝐫𝐮𝐬𝐬𝐢𝐚

Bắt đầu từ đầu

"No matter what happens, act normally. I'll take care of this, alright?" Charles assures before closing the hatch and facing the soldiers. "Now, listen to me..."

It wasn't long till the vehicle stopped and the sound of one of the doors opening and slamming shut could be heard, making the soldiers tense as they aimed their guns at the backdoor. Charles was quick to calm them down, standing up a bit while placing his fingers on his temple. With his abilities, he was able to make them invisible to the naked eye just as the backdoors opened, revealing a Russian soldier and the driver standing there. Y/n noticed the driver furrowing his brows at the sight of nothing.

"Что-нибудь сзади?" A soldier's voice calls out in question.
(Anything back there?)

"Ничего. Оно пустое." The soldier in front of them replies.
(Nothing. It's empty.)

The driver looks at him with an uneasy expression. "Все в порядке?"
(Everything okay?)

When the soldier only nodded, the driver was closing the doors and locking them. When they knew they were safe, Charles dropped his hand as he felt Erik patting his knee. The vehicle was soon moving again and after some more time that passed, they had been exiting the vehicle. The three mutants, Moira and the driver could soon be seen laying on the ground, a large field in between them and the large house that they were all staring at with their binoculars.

Their eyes watched through each of the pair of binoculars as a helicopter was slowly moving down towards the ground, making them all perk up to know that Shaw was in there. Unfortunately for them, the only person that exited the flying vehicle was the telepath Shaw had on his side, known as Emma Frost. The female telepath stood out more than the soldiers at the front, wearing all white clothing from head to toe.

Erik furrows his brows when the helicopter flew off, his arms dropping. "Where's Shaw?"

"I don't know." Charles replies, his eyes on the other telepath. "But if she's a telepath and I read her, she'll know we're here. Let me try something else."

The brunette had put his binoculars down, fingers resting on his temple as he closed his eyes for a moment. The other three looked at him before they were looking back through the same item they were all holding of their own. Being able to see through one of the guards at the front doors eyes, Charles was able to get the information he needed as he let out a sigh, drawing the attention to him.

"He's not coming." Charles announces, looking to the woman beside him. "So, what now, boss?"

"Now, nothing. We're here for Shaw. Mission aborted." Moira informs.

"The hell it is." Erik argues as he goes to get up until she grabs his arm. "She's his right-hand woman. That's good enough for me."

"The CIA invading the home of a senior Soviet official." Moira reminds, disbelief in her tone. "Are you crazy?"

Erik smirks, shaking his head. "I'm not CIA."

Before any of them could stop him, Erik was running off, hearing Y/n and Charles' voices calling out to him. Charles had been quick to grab his sister's arm, stopping her from chasing after the mutant man. The group had only decided to look back through their binoculars, watching as the barb wired fence around the large building began to move, wrapping around the soldiers all around, showing them that it was Erik's doing. All the soldiers had been alerted, guns out in case of anything that were to happen.

"He's gonna start World War III single-handed." The driver comments.

"We have to do something." Moira whispers harshly.

"Like what?" The driver questions, glancing back at their own soldiers. "We're moving out!"

As he was moving back to the soldiers, both Y/n and Charles found themselves protesting as Charles looked back at him while Y/n looked at the building, watching as Erik ran inside. Without a thought, she found herself getting up from her hiding position and running to the building.

She wasn't gonna leave Erik behind. She could hear her brother's voice calling out to her, the man telling Moira he couldn't leave Erik or his sister before he was chasing after her. The Xavier siblings were able to get closer to the large house, Y/n still up ahead.

Charles had stopped when he saw the soldiers still wrapped up in the barb wire, making the only one awake to forget his voice before running after his sister again. The siblings were able to catch up with Erik before they were barging into a large bedroom, revealing Frost and the Soviet official inside.

Frost was sitting on a sofa, lingerie on her body while the Soviet official seemed to be hypnotized as he giggled, his arms up as if he were holding someone. This had Y/n scrunching her face, sharing a glance with the other two. The older man had soon noticed the three of them, now free from Frost's trick.

"Кто ты?" The man asks, reaching for his gun.
(Who are you?)

"Go to sleep." Charles demands with his arm outstretched.

Almost right after, the older man's eyes were fluttering closed as his arm that was holding the gun dropped, his entire body soon falling onto the pillows behind him. While that was happening, Frost had stood up to her feet until her entire body turned into a crystal-like substance, making her stand out even more than before. With his eyes on her, jaw clenched, Charles brought his fingers to his temple in hopes of getting through her mind.

"You can stop trying to read my mind, sugar." Frost speaks up just when Charles let out a pained grunt. "You're never going to get anything from me while I'm like this."

Next thing they knew, she was going to run forward and hopping on the table in between all of them, trying to run right past them. However, the three other mutants were able to grab ahold of her until she was pushed back at the end of the bed. Seeing the frame was a gold metal, Erik used his abilities to keep her pinned to the bed as the metal wrapped around her wrists, keeping her there as they stood above her.

"So, then, you can just tell us." Erik breathes out, making the metal even tighter. "Where's Shaw?"

Frost didn't answer, continuing to struggle against the metal, even though she knew it was pointless. This didn't sit right with Erik as his jaw clenched, making some metal wrap around her neck, beginning to choke her. That didn't sit right with the Xavier siblings, their voices calling out Erik's name.

The slightly older man didn't listen as metal wrapped around Frost's upper arms and the piece around her neck tightened. The siblings voices telling Erik to stop could be heard when they saw the crystal skin beginning to crack on Frost's neck. It was when Erik had felt Y/n's hand rest on his arm as she told him to stop was when he had released the metal from around the blonde woman's neck, the crystals around her disappearing as she looked normal just like them.

Magneto looked towards the slightly younger woman beside him, their eyes meeting as Y/n had slowly began to take her hand off of his arm. However, Erik had been quick to grab ahold of her wrist in hopes of keeping contact with her before he looked back towards the female telepath.

"All yours." Erik tells the other telepath, motioning to Frost. "She won't be shifting into diamond form again. And if she does, just give her a gentle tap."

Not saying anything, Charles moves down to kneel on one knee before he was looking through her mind with his fingers on his temple. As he had been doing that, Erik had moved to grab a drink of the alcohol that had been on the table while him and Y/n watched as Charles soon dropped his arm, their curious gazes looking between the two telepaths. Frost didn't look scared one bit, a small smirk on her face as her and Charles stared at each other.

"Beautiful, isn't it?" Frost states.

"This is worse than we previously imagined." Charles informs the other two before looking back at her. "We're taking you with us. CIA will want to question you themselves."

Frost shakes her head. "I doubt it. They have bigger things to worry about right now."

No other words were said at the moment as the telepaths were looking at one another while Erik and Y/n exchanged a glance, knowing they were both wondering what Charles had actually seen.

𝐁𝐋𝐎𝐃𝐑𝐄𝐈𝐍𝐀, 𝖾𝗋𝗂𝗄 𝗅𝖾𝗁𝗇𝗌𝗁𝖾𝗋𝗋Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ