Chapter 11: like my best friend pt 2

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Part 2

Moxie 3rd person

Moxie was up already and he had done some cleaning to the house not worried about Milly but missing her

He had found a note Milly left him telling him that she was going to get y/n some clothes since she didn't have clothing at all and she wanted her to have the things she needs especially sanitary things

Moxxie was thinking about y/n because he was worried about the fact you are a human in hell

Despite Moxies better judgment of this whole situation he had to just bite his tongue and deal with it since his boss barely listens to anyone other than himself

Moxxie pov

I sighed and after a bit of time to myself I started to feel better about the world situation not long ago that had happened and I felt I was at the best of terms with the situation now and I got up and stretched and a few backbones popped and I walked over to my phone and grabbed it and it was only 12:54 in the afternoon so I swiped in my phone and went into texting millie and right before I could text she texted already 

Millie: hey y/n is Hungary. I'm gonna take her out to eat something. Wanna come?

I sat there and couldn't believe what she was saying but replied still

Moxie: sure. I'll pay for you. But what about the human part? I'm sure demons will be all over her.

I sat there and waited for a reply and then she saw the message and I saw the 3 dots in the corner pop up and then disappeared. As to say I didn't get a reply and sat there with my face like


And just waited for a reply to which I didn't get a reply

After like 5 minutes my phone starts buzzing and I pick my phone up and see luna face timing me and I answer and I'm greeted by screaming from luna


And I reply with

"She doesn't bite"


I then hear Millie's voice in the background


her accent is thick and I chuckle and say getting closer to the screen

"good luck with that"

I hang up with a smile on my face and move back and lean on the couch

"it will be fine"

Y/n pov  5 mins earlier

Millie had rammed into the room where it looked like a conference room and immediately moved to the tall wolf-like girl. She had her legs up on the table. Erm... Paws?

I was confused and I just stand back and watch the scenery unfold

Millie seemed anxious and such so I tilted my head and got slightly closer and then moved back when they start talking to each other and the wolf girl started first


She looked away from the phone in her uh hand... She then looked down at her and rose a brow at her

Millie then with her accent spoke up in a soft tone

"I need you to conjure a spell to make her fit in"

She pointed a finger over at me and the girl didn't even move after like 5 seconds she sighed

"Fine but it won't work"

Millie seemed pretty upset at that comment and placed her hand on her hip

"won't or don't wanna?"

The wolf girl flipped her off and moved to look back at her phone and then Billie growled and jumped on her and they got into a fight the chair broke down and the wolf girl struggled to get millie off of her and then she kicked her and the wolf girl moved up and crouched down on the ground growling and then whimpered at the cut on her arm

The wolf's girls eyes wandered to her phone on the ground next to her and she grabbed it quickly and millie jumped and bit her but not badly

I turned around and was shaking and sweating from watching the scenery I put my hood over my head and moved out the door slowly without a sound and then ran down the hall my throat was still hurting so my chest was wheezing as I breathed and then I turned my head left and right looking for some stairs

I remembered the way we got in when things became familiar and slowed down when I got to the stairs and ran down them some demons were coming up and I gasped but moved around then bumped into one of them on accident and I still ran until the bottom and then I turned to the right and saw the exit sign on top of a door with an odd drawing on it

I sighed in relief and ran to the door right when I was about to open the door to exit the place the door swung open nearly hitting me and I fell back and looked up at the two demons

There was a very very tall owl-like man and the red-horned demon I recognize as the one who gave me the candy bar

The man who is like an owl leaned down and his eyes glowing red

"hello there. Halfling" 

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 20, 2023 ⏰

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