Chapter 10 like my best friend

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I let out some breathing that has some fear in it but I start to calm down when she threw the pillow down with a shake of her hand to get the fluff off her hands and she looked at me and smiled

My heart felt like it skipped a small beat because her eyes and smile are something I have never seen before and it was kinda strange.

She then tilted her head and picked up some bags from behind her and spoke up

"I got you some clothing... I know you don't have any so I thought I might as well get ya some"

She had a thick accent and it made me calm a bit more I start to feel myself feel a bit safer but I still had my guard up just in case

She waited a little bit before speaking again and lowered the clothes a bit

"You don't have to speak to me but please just look at one of the clothes"

I was taken a bit off guard but I tried to utter some words but they stuck inside my throat I then reached my hand up and rubbed my throat a bit and cleared it and then spoke but it was a bit sore

"T-thank you..."

Millie had a small surprised look on her face then it was quickly replaced with a small laugh and put the bags down

"I just remembered. You're not used to hells air. Here Hun lemme get ya something for that"

She reaches into her bag and grabs something that looks like a horehound but was named hells Air Sweetener.

She handed me an unopened bag and I gently took it and I took the tap that you can use to rip it and I took it off and I looked up at her and she nodded

I poured some into my hand and it was a hard candy and it was a dark purple color I popped one into my mouth and my eyes widened because it tastes exactly like horehound and it's my favorite candy and she laughed a bit at my excitement and spoke

"You can keep the bag. You seem to love that huh? Well, no wonder ya do. It's made by the original creator of hore hound"

She then places her hand on her hips and smiles more and continued talking

"It helps the new people who come here. And it soothes the throat for them because they aren't used to the air just yet"

Her accent is so thick that I slightly chuckle and she was taken off guard obviously by this her eyes widen a little and she comes over and gently sits down next to me and I finally get the courage to speak

"M-my name is y/n"

Blitz pov

It was the month to pay off the debt for the book and I went to stola's castle and parked outside then I looked down at the cars passenger seat and saw the file for y/n and I reached over and picked it up and looked at the front of it with the picture of y/n paper clipped to the front

I looked at the photo more and more and then took it out and turned it around and it had some writing on the back that was in another language

I reached and got my phone out and went into the camera and scanned the letters and it loaded and all it showed was some pictures of people from hell doing tours around hell and finding the same weird language on ancient walls that haven't been explained.

I just felt more and more curious about this and gets out of the car and slam my car door shut and ran to the door to yell


Stolas opens the door and looks down at me with his glaring red eyes and  looked genuinely worried he bent down and spoke

"What is it darling? Is everything alright?"

I took a moment to take a breather for a second and then showed him the back of the photo stolas'es eyes flashed red and took the photo

"Why do you have this?!"

He turned the photo around and his eyes widened and he whispered

"No way..."

Cliffhanger bro

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