Chapter 7 welcome to hell

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Y/Ns pov 

I opened my eyes hearing a conversation taking place in the other room and I moved up and I held my head as it hurt and I felt a throbbing pain in the back of my head and I heard a random yell that startled me 


it sounded like a teenaged girl almost in her twenties and it obviously seemed like she was upset and annoyed about what was going on then I heard someone walking to my door and then it slammed open and I jumped and my eyes trailed up to a tall werewolf like figured girl who had gray long hair and a ripped shirt and shorts and I had to admit she was fairly attractive and then I realized I was staring and I locked eyes with the lady and she looked not even in the slightest phased at all and then she spoke 

"blitz your pet is awake"

when she said pet I blushed in the slightest bit and I was about to say something when I heard some rustling in the room next door and I heard some glass break and then I see a red flash slide down behind the lady and fall and then get up quickly and quickly running into the room hitting the lady's shoulder on the way in and the lady shrugged her shoulders and left and the guy caught his breath 

Blitz pov

I looked down at her then I turned around shuffling my feet a bit and reached for the door nob and pulled the door closed with a click and let out a sigh and then turned around leaning back onto the door looking down at her with a light blush across my face from embarrassment and I then gulped and spoke 

"um...well uh...welcome to the underworld"

the girl looked at me locking eyes and then blinking a bit and then she looked down and away and her hair fell in her face and she obviously didn't know what to say.

"um blitz..."

I hesitated for a moment before I reached my hand out to fix her hair and then she smacked my hand away and I brought my hand up to my chest and held onto it with my other hand but then i heard a slight sniffle and a hic here and there and I go around her and sit down on the bed next to her making a slight creek in the bed and causing her to look up at me with her eyes full of tears running down her face like a waterfall and for unknown reasons I wanted to wipe away the tears so badly then she wiped them away looking down and then speaking out softly

"I'm sorry...I just don't know how to react....I.."

I interrupted her and wiped away another tear that fell down her face and she once again looked at me with a bit of a shocked look and then I reached into my pocket and grabbed a candy bar that I put there before we left to go kill this girl and then I hand the girl the candy bar and then I stood up slowly and walked to the door and opened it and looked down and walked out of the room keeping the door slightly open so she feels trust in where she is

Y/N pov 

I watched as this man claiming to be named blitz and saw him leave the room and leave the door slightly cracked and then when I couldn't hear him anymore I immediately got up and ran out the door and then I was suddenly grabbed by the shoulder and turned around to look at a shorter man than blitz and he shacked his head and sighed and the man had some horns like blitzs but smaller and he had white hair and some goat like legs and a bow tie and he spoke up

"if you leave you will be killed...and we cant have that...but sure go ahead go out and get killed...once your out that door no one will help you.." 

I growl at him and shrug of his hand and walk past him back to the room and I slam the door and I don't know what else to do 

"am I going to die here?"

Hello author here! I AM SO HAPPY TO GET BACK TO THIS BOOK! and I hope all of you guys are  enjoying this book! and hopefully every sunday I can make an update! well almost!

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