Episode 4- "Thorned rose"

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The pair's surroundings are completely different from the ones they had just been in. The Void is gone, replaced by an entirely new universe - one that neither Ephrem or Winter had ever seen before.

Everything around them just seemed so.... Big... and the air felt so fresh and clean, it was almost as if the oxygen was so nutritious that everything had grown more, they were in an autumn forest with trees 5X their size. As it turns out the air here is so nutrient rich that most animals will very slowly grow in size while here, this is limited to only things like foxes, wolves, cats, birds and rabbits.

"Whoa... whoa... whoa..."

This universe is so vastly different from anything that Winter and Ephrem have ever seen before.

All the plants are huge.
The grass is huge.
And the most important part?
The oxygen is real nice, and it smells fresh.

"My... wow... it's so beautiful..."

Winter signs "And it smells very nice! The air makes me feel kind of energetic"

"Yeah, I... I feel the same way!"

Ephrem appears to be in awe of this beautiful forest.

"I feel... hopeful. I can't quite put my finger on it."
It's possible that the air has the strange effect of inspiring its residents. It may be even more effective on the weak like Ephrem, who seems to be in utter bliss, gazing up at the sky and trees. Winter looks around and doesn't see anything except trees. Winter signs "Well? Should we look around?"

"You lead the way, Winter," Ephrem says.

Winter and him begin wandering through the forest. Soon they reach a large clearing full of... fruit trees? The scent of ripe berries fills the air, and Ephrem appears to be hungry.
He picks a large blueberry from one of the bushes and holds it out to Winter. "Do you want to try one?"

Winter signs "Sure, haven't eaten anything since I got reincarnated" and grabs a berry. By this point, winter has not realised it but he has grown 5 inches since they got here.

Winter had definitely gotten taller, that's for sure. The berry tastes so good, and he can't help but take another. It really is true - in this world, all the plants and trees are huge and might be a bit strange

Winter signs "Do you think we and go find a lake? I haven't actually seen how i look yet.."

Ephrem nods, and the pair soon reach a small lake. It's... beautiful.

The water is completely clear, and they can see all the way down to the rocks at the bottom.
Winter and Ephrem both gaze out at the lake, and the pair remain silent as a result of the overwhelming beauty all around them, well, it all stays silent until winter jumps back in fear at his own reflection making him stumble backwards and trip. Winter signs "That's what I look like!?"

Winter appears to have stumbled onto the edge of the lake, and is mere seconds away from stepping in and drowning.

Ephrem, having as sharp reflexes he has, he immediately realizes what is happening, and quickly leaps into action. He grabs Winter by the arm, and pulls him back to safety.
"H-Holy-!" He shouts. "Winter, what happened?!"

Winter now drenched in water and with a body that seems to have gotten.... More intimidating, Ephrem doesn't regard this change in appearance though and is only worried about winter. Winter signs "My reflection was horrifying! How are you even- I don't know how you're so nice to me."

Ephrem takes a step back, and examines Winter from head to toe, making direct eye contact the whole time.
"I'd call it 'striking,' not 'threatening.' You seem to have gotten... bigger."
Ephrem nods. "You're... still a husky. Just... very intimidating."
Ephrem seems to only be able to glance at the now increasingly intimidating version of Winter as winter awkwardly wipes off residual water and definitely doesn't feel completely comfortable anymore but the calming atmosphere of this universe definitely makes it feel a lot better.

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