Animatronic Troubles

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Spring watched excitedly as Plush stood up and looked around. Spring honestly didn't think he had ever been this excited before. He would finally have someone who understood the newness!

Plush then looked at Spring and seemed to judge him. Spring didn't mind. It was weird to just suddenly exist. He understood.

"What do you think?" Spring asked with a tilt of his head.

Plush was quiet for a moment and then he spoke.

"I don't know. What am I supposed to do?" Plush asked in confusion.

Spring shrugged.

"Whatever you want. I would like it if we were friends but that is your decision." Spring told Plush truthfully.

Plush nodded.

"Okay. We'll be friends." Plush said before hopping off the bed.

Spring watched as he walked around the room and paused at the door.

"Can you get this for me?" Plush asked while looking back at Spring.

Spring nodded and bounded over and opened the door for Plush.

Plush walked into the hall and then entered the living room where he looked around at everything and continued to explore.

Spring enjoyed watching him. Seeing the look of curiosity in his eyes. It was wonderful.

Plush eventually made it back to the hall after finishing his exploration of the kitchen and living room and he looked at Spring.

"There isn't much to do here is there?" Plush asked with a tilt of his head.

Spring shook his head.

"Unfortunately not and I don't think we can go outside since it's almost night and the other animatronics are evil." Spring told Plush.

"Why?" Plush asked curiously.

"They are apparently vengeful animatronics who used to be human. Which makes them different from us." Spring told Plush.

Plush hummed for a moment but nodded.

"That makes sense. I suppose but.. What did we do to anger them?" Plush questioned.

Spring shrugged.

"Mike would know. I haven't done anything." Spring told Plush while looking down.

Spring couldn't help but wonder what Mike's past was now that it had been brought up. Mike clearly didn't have a good one but the man didn't seem evil. He seemed traumatized and hurt.

Plush looked behind him at Mike who had been following him and asked.

"Mike. Why do the other animatronics hate you?" Plush questioned with a head tilt.

Mike sighed deeply.

"Let's just say its complicated okay?" Mike said with a awkward attempt at a smile.

Spring and Plush both stared at him.

Mike seemed to nearly quiver underneath their stares and so Spring sighed and leaned over and turned Plush off.

"Mike. You.. You didn't do anything horrible right?" Spring asked nervously.

Mike shook his head.

"My.. My father killed a majority of them. They blame me by affiliation and because I'm a easier target than he is." Mike said with a tremble.

Spring was silent for a long moment before nodding.

"Have you tried talking to them?" Spring questioned.

Mike didn't answer at first and then he nodded slowly.

"I've tried with Lizzie but not the others." Mike admitted.

Spring sighed before picking up and carrying Plush to the storage room where he sat the robotic plushtoy on a shelf. Spring then returned to Mike with a huff.

"We're going to try talking to them. Tonight. Come on." Spring said simply before heading for the front door.

"Spring!" Mike said in exasperation before following him.

Spring ignored Mike as he walked the streets and looked for animatronics.

Spring wasn't sure how long he marched up and down the alleyways and roads but eventually he spotted a animatronic made of wires.

"Hey! You over there!" Spring called as he approached the animatronic.

"Spring! No!" Mike hissed from behind him.

The wirey animatronic turned around to face Spring with a curious look and then it's eyes.. well eye landed on Mike.

Spring clapped his hands and the animatronic refocused on him but now it seemed more apprehensive.

"My name is Spring. What's yours?" Spring asked calmly.

The animatronic viewed him for a moment before looking back at Mike aggressively.

Spring clapped again and the animatronic looked at him in annoyance.

"I asked for your name." Spring said before crossing his arms.

The animatronic huffed.

"Ennard." The animatronic finally said in a distorted voice.

Spring nodded.

"Nice to meet you Ennard." Spring said kindly.

Ennard must have gotten tired of him because suddenly Spring was being pinned by the animatronic with a yelp.

"Ennard! Let Spring go! You want to kill me not him!" Mike suddenly shouted in worry and fear.

Spring didn't struggle though and his mouth hadn't been covered so he spoke.

"Really Ennard? I wasn't trying to provoke you." Spring told Ennard with a huff.

Ennard looked down at him.

"You are in the way of my mission. Therefore you must be terminated." Ennard said simply before raising a wire to supposedly terminate him.

Spring glared at Ennard and then suddenly there was a loud laugh.

"Wait a moment Ennard. I want to see." Giggled Lizzie as she appeared in the alleyway.

Ennard just looked over at her and suddenly Spring understood as he saw a hint of fear go through Ennard's eyes.

"That your master? Ennard?" Spring asked with a tilt of his head.

Ennard didn't answer vocally but wires surrounded Spring's throat dangerously.

"You don't have to be a slave you know." Spring said with a frown in his tone.

"Ennard. Don't listen to that hunk of junk. Kill him." Lizzie ordered.

Spring prepared for pain but then he heard a battle cry and a distorted yelp as a truck slammed into Ennard sending the wire bot flying back and off of Spring.

Spring quickly crawled and got in the passengers side of the truck and Mike floored it.

Spring was going to have to try talking to Ennard again but without Lizzie. Spring just had a feeling that the animatronic could be reasoned with although he wouldn't tell Mike that. Mike would probably freak out.

Mike drove the truck in a big circle and then got out and ran and Spring followed him until they got home.

Once home Mike went inside and went to his room and Spring followed him.

Mike got into bed and just sat there looking shaky so Spring silently sat down beside him and put an arm around him and that was how they spent the night.

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