I Won't Let You Hurt

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Mike sighed before standing up and Spring watched him.

"Alright. I should head out. See what Ennard is doing." Mike said with a shake of his head.

"No." Spring told Mike while crossing his arms.

Mike looked at him and raised a brow.

"You heard me Mike. You are not going after that monster by yourself." Spring stated with a glare.

Mike glared back.

"I have to Spring. Nobody else is going to fix my past for me." Mike growled.

"Yeah, well. I'm not letting you go alone." Spring stated while standing tall.

Mike groaned.

"Spring. I can take care of myself." Mike told Spring in annoyance.

Spring ignored him and went to block the front door to prove his point.

Mike huffed and looked towards Henry. Henry simply looked down at his newspaper that was on the table as if it was mighty interesting.

Mike looked back towards Spring in anger.

"Spring you can't just lock me up here!" Mike snapped.

Spring didn't move.

"I'm not. Let me come with you and you can leave." Spring said simply.

Mike just silently fumed before heading for a window.

Spring growled harshly and Mike paused.

"Mike. Don't break the window." Henry sighed as he looked up.

"Then what am I supposed to do Henry? I'm not staying here! I have things to do!" Mike fumed.

"Bring Spring along. He's clearly not going to let you go otherwise." Henry said as he stood up and went to do the dishes.

Mike groaned.

"Fuck. Fine. Come on Spring." Mike huffed before walking to the front door and Spring opened it and let Mike out and followed him.

Mike frowned as he walked but Spring ignored him in favor of observing the world during the day. It was alot more colorful during the day.

Spring hummed quietly as they walked around and he stared at everything and then Mike walked into an alleyway and Spring walked closer to him and gazed around protectively.

Mike was analyzing everything and he continued to walk down the alleyway to Spring's dismay.

"Mike. Maybe we should go back to the main road." Spring said softly.

"Ennard doesn't travel the main road and neither does Lizzie." Mike snorted.

Spring shook his head and then he saw something move in the Shadows. Spring growled and looked pointedly at the thing and Mike followed his gaze as some kind of clown girl came out of the shadows and smiled at them.

"Hello Mikey. Who's this?" The clown girl asked in a too sweet voice.

"None of your business, Lizzie." Mike growled.

"It clearly is if it's hanging out with you." Lizzie the clown girl said with a chuckle.

Spring didn't like this at all.

"Sorry, Mike." Spring said gently before throwing the man over his shoulder and high tailing it.

Lizzie screamed in anger and followed them but Spring ignored her as he made a jump and barely made it over the fence and onto the main road. Lizzie paused at the fence and shot him a venomous glare and he put Mike down and then he shot her the same glare back and she left.

"I don't like her." Spring grumbled.

Mike nodded.

"I don't either but I gotta stop her." Mike sighed.

Spring sighed with him and then he made his decision.

"I'm not letting you fight those monsters alone. I'm going to help you." Spring told Mike.

Mike opened his mouth to object but Spring put his hand over it.

"No. I've made my decision." Spring told Mike seriously before removing his hand from Mike's mouth.

Mike sighed.

"You're the worst." Mike grumbled before heading down the side walk and Spring followed wordlessly.

"Ugh. I didn't mean that. I just.. I'm not used to people caring about me I suppose." Mike said with a nervous look at Spring.

Spring looked back unsurprised.

"I can tell. The world has done you wrong Mike." Spring said sincerely.

Mike didn't answer he simply kept walking which was answer enough for Spring and he decided that in that moment that he wasn't going to let the world hurt Mike anymore.

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