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The next day, Kai and Taehyun met at Poppin' Star café (I love this song so much, if you do too then marry me pls). Both of them ordered a cheese cake and a bubble tea. Chocolate for Taehyun and strawberry for Hueningkai.

While they were waiting for their order Taehyun said" Kai...I'm really sorry. I-We wanted to tell you but, we were waiting for the perfect occasion to do so, we even wanted to invite you to go to a restaurant with us so that we can tell you, but...you know what happened. I know that she's your little sister, but we just love each other, I mean it just happened, so please can you accept us. I know that it will take some time to forgive me and to be used to us but I will wait till you do so, no matter how long it takes. And yeah we will go to see your parents and tell them about us this week so don't worry about that."

After Taehyun finished speaking, Hueningkai laughed, then he said" Omg bro calm down. I'm not mad at you guys, I'm just disappointed, cuz you didn't tell me sooner and also i thought that we were bestfriends so i was hurt that you didn't tell me such important information about yourself. And i trust you with my sister, i know that you won't hurt her, so please take good care of her ok. I'm not asking, I'm ordering you to do so cuz otherwise...you don't want to know that hehe."

Taehyun chuckled and said" I will never hurt her don't worry. So are we good?" Kai smiled and said" Of course we are. Plus I talked to Hiyyih about it, and she seemed to like you very much, and I only want her happiness soo...plus my parents adore you, so you're literally the perfect man hehe."

Taehyun felt relieved he smiled to the younger and said" Thank you Kai, i feel better now. You don't have an idea of how much it bothered me, plus I hate it when we are on bad terms."

Kai laughed and said" Oh trust me, I feel you future brother in law. I hate it too." Taehyun's eyes widened and he said" Did you just call me-" " Yes I did, no don't cry...Geez why are you being so emotional today, my sister really have a bad influence on you."

Taehyun whipped his tears and said" I'm just happy, thank you future brother in law." "You're welcome Taehyunie~"

Then they hugged each other and Kai texted Soobin to tell him to join them. After a while their order came and they started to eat.

Soon after Soobin came, and they started to talk about their plan to get Beomgyu and Yeonjun together, cuz according to them they are dumber than their foot and blinder than Adrien.( from miraculous, I just love this show)

When they finally came up with a perfect plan, they gave each other a high-five and they all headed home to prepare themselves better for their plan.

The next day at school everything was normal. Except that Beomgyu broke up with Jeongin because he knew that he liked Hyunjin, and he was in love with Yeonjun so it was the best for both of them.

And both Yeonjun and him looked like zombies, like they spent almost all the weekend crying their hearts out soo it was understandable.

During recess all of them sat together, since Yeonjun broke up with Yeji he has no other choice than sit with them.

Soobin, Taehyun and Hueningkai gave each other a knowing look and Kai said" Yeonjun hyung why aren't you with Yeji right now?"

Yeonjun smiled a bit and said" We broke up Saturday, that's why we aren't together now." Beomgyu's eyes widened, and he started to look alive again.

Then Taehyun said" So both of you guys are the only singles ones in our friend group." Beomgyu glared at him and said" Yeah and?" Taehyun just shrugged and turned to Kai and Soobin.

Beomgyu continued to eat, and so does Yeonjun. And after recess they headed to their classrooms and just like that it was time for practice.

And that's when the plan of the three of them really start. The question of Taehyun was just to see how Beomgyu would react to this information.

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