Not an update

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Hi everyone, it's me Jemmy.

I am sorry for not posting anything these days. It's just that my grandma passed away, and I was too sad to write. I'm really sorry.

I actually have soo much to say...

Like, I feel a bit anxious because you guys don't comment what's on your mind, I feel like my story is boring and bad. Plus I have like 60+ reads per chapter but like 4 vote per chapter. I'm grateful to even have a vote but I'm still a bit sad, because whenever I see a vote or anything, it makes my day. And to all of you who added my story to your reading list thank you, thank you very much.

Plus omg, last week I was ranked #15 in beomjun, I was soo happy😁 Thank you guys, ily sm.

And today is my first baby bear's birthday 🤭🤭 Happy birthday Taehyung, I love you sooo much my ultimate bias, my infp bestie. I hope you'll forever be happy as a repay for the amount of happiness you brought me. I purple you💜💜💜

And ofc I won't forget my lovely bias wrecker Joshua😌 Happy birthday Josh, even if I'm only a 3 months old carat you did sm for me in the mean time. I'm soo happy that I met you (yk what I mean), I love you very much😊❤❤

I know that I'm random, so what about it🤨

Anyways, please don't forget to vote and comment because it make me want to keep going😊

Thank you my lovely readers😘💙💙💙💙💙

Your author who loves you very much, Jemmy (yes ik that yk)

|"My one and only"|(Beomjun)✔Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora