After Elvira stood up, she nodded at Lubin. Then, she looked at the few people beside Lubin. One was a handsome young man with purple hair. He had pointy ears, which was one of the characteristics of an elf, and he looked vaguely familiar. Another attractive man with soft platinum hair stood beside the purple-haired young man. Finally, an old man and a young man with gorgeous clothes stood behind them.

Those four people were insignificant. The most important person was the young man in the middle of them. He appeared to be about ten years old. The four people’s positions seemed to be defending the young man in the center. He seemed to be the leader of the group, and Elvira wondered about his name.

As the leader of Torchlight Town’s knights, the Torch Knights, Elvira was already a gold-tier warrior before the age of thirty. Everyone in Torch Town hailed her as a rare genius in a hundred years. However, when she saw the few people in front of her, she could not guess their strength. Other than the slightly younger man, who was obviously not as strong as her, the rest of them exuded an unfathomable aura.

“Elvira, let me introduce you! These people are important figures from the border. That is Lord Sylvan, the border count, and the person next to him is the kingdom’s greatest mage, Master Antonio. As for the remaining two people, one is the mayor of Fairy Town, and the other is the youngest young master of Blackmoon Castle.”

Lubin pointed at the people next to him and made a series of introductions; he skipped Gerant on purpose.

Gerant did not mind that and introduced himself. “I’ve long heard of Miss Elvira from Torch Town. Your gold-tier warrior reputation precedes you. Your strength is not only outstanding, but you are beautiful as well! It’s really unfair for a talent like you to stay in Torch Town. I wonder if you’ll be interested in working in my town? Oh, I almost forgot to introduce myself. My name is Gerant. I’m the mayor of Monte Town.”

Despite the fact that the four border towns were about equal in strength, the situation in each town was unique. Fairy Town, for example, was powerful because it was linked to the border count. Monte Town was a believer in liberty. As a result, the mercenary groups and the Mage Guild were the most powerful forces in Monte Town, rather than the force from the kingdom.

Torch Town was a little different.

Torch Town’s distinct culture contributed to the town’s high level of cohesion. The Torch Knights were an independent organization from the City Defense Department. Everyone was thrilled to be a member of the Torch Knights, and the town’s youth idolized Elvira. She was supposed to have been born into a commoner’s family. The Campbell family appreciated her because of her exceptional talent, and she was then made an external member of the family.

The Campbell family rewarded Lubin as a result of his recommendation. The Campbell family and the Ptolemy family, Gerant’s family, had always had a strained relationship. Gerant had been attempting to poach Elvira for quite some time. That was why he had said what he had just said.

“The border count and the kingdom’s greatest mage, as well as the two mayors?”

Elvira took a deep breath as Gerant calculated in his head.

According to Mayor Lubin, those in front of him represented 80 percent of the border’s upper echelons, as well as the kingdom’s mages. Even folks on the border knew Antonio’s status as the astrologer. Why were so many important people assembled on the outskirts of Torch Town?

She was pondering that when she noticed Lubin walking to the side of the youngest youth among them. “Young Master Watson, thank you for prioritizing the development of the passage from Blackmoon Town to Torch Town,” he said graciously. “I would like to extend my gratitude to you on behalf of everyone in Torch Town. We will support all of Blackmoon Town’s arrangements! Also, Young Master Watson, what are your thoughts after seeing Torch Town?”

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