chapter 83.

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Tubbo's pov*

He laid back down and I enjoyed the warmth and comfort of his body. I was so happy that he was back. I was being clingy but not for attention, but I was being clingy to show how much I missed him. I need him to stay mine. I just don't want him to leave again. For the next few hours we laid in bed holding each other. I felt so safe in his arms. But he got up. "Nooo!" I said and pulled him back down. "Bee please? It will only take a second." He said. "Will you come back?" I asked. He nodded. I let go of him and he got up. I didn't know where he was going but I didn't really care as long as he came back. A few minutes later he came back and sat down. I hugged him and kissed his cheek. "I forgot how clingy you are, I missed it." He said. "I know I'm clingy but I'm never this clingy." I said softly. "I know why you are being this clingy though." he said. "Then why am I?" I asked. He didn't say anything but I knew he knew, I did too but I wanted to see if he would say anything about it. "I love you Ranboo." I said. "I love you too." He said back and lightly kissed me. I kissed back but it got interrupted by my phone going off. I let go of him and checked it. It was a text from an unknown number.


Unknown: Hey Tubbo, it's me jack.

Me: Oh.. Hi uh how did you get my number?

Unknown: Oh you gave it to me remember?

Me: no I don't remember.. But ok?

Unknown: I was wondering if you wanted to meet up at the park.

Me: uhh hold on.

I met Jack a month after Ranboo left. He was super sweet and kind but I didn't like like him I thought of him as a friend. I caught Ranboo looking at my phone from the corner of my eye. "What?" I asked. "Who was that?" He asked me back. "Oh it's someone I met 2 months ago his name is Jack, he wants to meet me at the park but I don't know if I should go." I said. "Why not? Go have fun!" He said. I looked down for a moment but he tilted my head back up. "Hey talk to me what's wrong?" He asked. "I don't want to go but I don't want to say no so can you please come with me?" I asked. "Yeah. Let's go." He said. He got up and grabbed my hands and pulled me up into his arms. "I love you my bee." He said. I hugged him back and we started to walk to the park. We went outside and started walking. I reached for his hand and he held it. "I love you." I said and leaned against his arm. He smiled and lifted up his arm so I would fall to his side. He wrapped his arm around my shoulder and took my hand again. I smiled and looked up at him. "Smooth, real smooth." I thought. He smiled in pride like he knew what I was thinking. I liked it when he would do that, it's like he always knew what I was thinking. A few minutes later we got there and he was sitting on a bench.

Ranboo's pov*

There was a person who was sitting on a bench. I was guessing that was him because Tubbo was walking to him. When we got there he stood up and hugged Tubbo, I could tell that Tubbo was uncomfortable that he did that. But he seemed to relax as soon as he let go. "Hey Jack." Tubbo said as he waved. "Hello!" He said back. "Who's this?" He asked. "Oh! This is Ranboo!" Tubbo said excitedly. "Oh... Hold on, uh Tubbo can I talk to you for a sec?" He asked. "Your not gonna do anything to me are you?" Tubbo asked worriedly. "What? No! I just want to talk to you about something." He said. "O-ok." He said and hesitantly followed him. I followed them to make sure that he would be ok.

Tubbo's pov*

When we got there Jack hugged me. It made me feel uncomfortable, I liked it when Ranboo held me, he's the only person besides my mom who I felt comfortable hugging me. But when he hugged me, it felt wrong. I felt stressed instead of safe. He let go of me and I immediately relaxed. He asked who Ranboo was and I told him. "Tubbo can I talk to you?" He asked. I started to get a little bit scared. "You won't do anything to me will you?" I asked. "What? No!" He said. I followed him and looked back at Ranboo to follow me. He nodded and started following us. "So what did you want to talk about?" I asked nervously slightly backing away from him. "Isn't he the one that left you crying for months?!" He asked. He grabbed my hands and held them as he said that. "First off, Jack please let go of me, second it's ok! He doesn't treat me wrong, he doesn't hit me, and he makes me feel safe when I'm in his arms! If he didn't I wouldn't have cried for that long." I said. He let go of me and sighed. "But Tubbo.. I'm worried. I don't want him to hurt you again." he said. "Jack, it wasn't him that hurt me.. It was him leaving." I said calmly. "Exactly! It was his actions! That still technically counts as him!" He yelled. He hugged me and that same feeling as before showed up again. "Please Tubbo, I just don't want you to hurt!" He said. I looked at Ranboo as Jack squeezed tighter and tighter, it was starting to hurt. Ranboo walked over to me and gently pulled me away. "No! You stay away from him! Your not gonna hurt him again." Jack yelled at him and pulled me back. "Jack please let go, your making me uncomfortable." I said politely. He didn't. "Jack please!" I said. He looked Ranboo in the eyes and gritted his teeth.  "My fiancé just told you to let go of him because he was uncomfortable.. So uhm can you let go of him?" Ranboo said more like a demand than question. I slowly started to back away from Jack but he hugged me again. "Please Tubbo I just don't want you to get hurt." He whispered in my ear. I began to back away but he wouldn't let go of me. "Jack let go!" I said. But he still squeezed tight. It started to hurt a little bit again and I couldn't really breath. I let out a small squeak of pain. "Ehem!" Ranboo fake couched. He finally let go of me and I ran to Ranboo's side. Jack wasn't as tall as Ranboo, he was about Wilbur's hight. Jack just continued to stare into Ranboo's eyes. "Uggh! Fine I'll go!" He said and walked away. I hugged Ranboo and gently held his hand. "What was the deal with that guy?!" He said. "No no, it's fine he's very sweet and kind and caring but sometimes he just takes it to far." I said. "Tubbo he wouldn't let go of you when you told him you were uncomfortable." He said. "I know but that's not the first time.." I said quietly to myself. He looked at me. "What do you mean it wasn't the first time?" He asked concerned. "I mean it's not the first time he's done that, the only first time thing was this time he was digging his nails into my back. But he also did it when Wilbur tried to hug me but Wilbur ended up beating his ass." I said. "So if you think about it he's kinda like you when you get jealous of someone touching me." I explained. "Hm, so he gets jealous hm?" He said with a tiny little smirk on his face. "Whatever your thinking of doing I'm in!" I said. "What if we kiss in front of him next time?" He asked. I smiled. "Sure that's a good prank." I said. He smiled and hugged me. I hugged back and smiled. "My lovely bee." He said. I giggled and hugged him a tiny bit tighter. We laughed and walked home.

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