chapter 33 sick day.

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Ranboos pov*

I woke up feeling a bit sick my head was hurting, throat was sore, and my voice was raspy. Not wanting to wake up tubbo I carefully slid out of his arms to go find the thermometer to check my temperature. I finally found it and took my temperature and it was 103° and just as I suspected I had a fever. And I didn't wanna get tubbo sick so I went upstairs and layed down on our bed.

Tubbos POV"

I woke up really excited because it was Ranboos birthday in a few days (guys don't get mad at me I know his birthday was a few days ago but for the purpose of the story let's just say that it is.) But something was wrong I didn't feel his presence beside me like normal so I got up and went to go look for him I was in the kitchen looking for him I heard him coughing upstairs so I walked upstairs to check on him and he was laying on our bed and he looked miserable he saw me and I walked toward him "no don't come near me I'm sick." He said in a really raspy voice. "Ha I don't care I'm gonna lay down with you anyways cus I wanna make you feel better." I said as I continued to walk towards the bed and lay down with ranboo.
"You can make me feel better by not coming near me because I don't want you to get sick please listen to me?" That's hurt my feelings a bit but I did understand. "Oh ok I'll leave you alone do want anything to eat or drink though?" I asked him. "No I'm good but I didn't mean it like that I just don't want you to get sick I have a 103° fever ok?" "Well in that case I'm not going anywhere so I'm just gonna sit right here." I said as I sat on the floor on his side of the bed and held his hand gently rubbing it with my thumb. "Fine just please be careful." "Ok I love you I hope you rest well." "Thank you I love you too."

Time skip 1 hour brought to you by quackity.

It's been an hour since ranboo fell asleep but he was coughing really bad in his sleep so I thought that maybe I should make some soup for him so that way when he wakes up he would have something to eat and help his throat so I walked downstairs into the kitchen and looked through the cabinets to see if I could find some soup but there wasn't any. So I went to the store but before I did I got a piece of paper and a pen and rote a note and got a glass of water so just in case ranboo woke up he would know where I was and he would have something to drink. So I finish that and set it on the night stand beside him and went to the store.

Ranboos POV*

I woke up on the bed but I didn't feel tubbos hand on mine it's been I think an hour I don't know. I looked over and saw a glass of water and a note

Dear Ranboo

I went to the store to get some soup for you and I brought you a glass of water in case you woke up and was thirsty. I'll be back soon and if you need me just text me love you.


"Aww" I said in my mind and drank some of the water I was happy because I found someone who cares about my mental and physical health and loves me. A few minutes later I heard the door open maybe tubbo was home? I heard footsteps coming upstairs and tubbo walked into the room to check on me I'm guessing. "Oh your awake do you feel any better?" He asked while holding my hand. "A bit but my throat hurts a lot." "Yeah that's why I went to the store because you were coughing really bad." He said as he bent down to hug me. "Anyways I'm gonna go cook and get some cough medicine." "Ok love you." "love you too." He said and he left.

Hi rain drops I hope you all had a wonderful day and I'm sorry it was short I didn't want to switch between povs too much. But I love you all and take care of yourselves. Byeeeee

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