LEVEL 64 - "More Children Obsessed With Knives"

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She yawns, stretching her hands out infront of her, "Amuse me enough and I might join. Most likely not, but hey, what's the harm in trying?"

She relaxed back into the (uncomfortable) seat, swinging her legs back and forth.

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"—And that's why this is my favorite knife!" Toga gleefully exclaimed, sitting on the floor infront of Y/n with a collection of knives infront of her.

"Hm... Next time I'd suggest stabbing them in the side of the neck, right where the carotid artery and jugular vein is. That's the most successful way I've killed someone with a knife." Y/n suggests as Toga nods along, like a child listening to a teacher.

"And why does the hero course student know so much about about knives?"

"Er.. I wouldn't question. I'd question it."

"It's an interesting display of abilities!"

As the two girls talk about knives and the most resourceful way to kill somebody, a shudder runs down the other's spines.

More children with knives.

"—Fair, Knives are nice and all, but brute force is always good as well." Y/n voices as Toga tilts her head.

"Eh? Really? Knives are so much cuter to use, though!" Toga pouts, holding a knife close to her as if Y/n had offended it.

"One kick to the head and I can crack their skull. Another kick and their brains start to spill out. Another kick and—"

Yeah. Y/n was skilled with kicking people in the head.

Though, it was mostly due to the fact that her father trained her to and forced her to work as a minor assassin for a bit... Fun times. Fun times.

"Seriously? That's so cool!" Toga had stars in her eyes as Y/n finished the gorey description on what happens if she kicks someone in the head repeatedly.

Y/n internally beams at the praise, but outside, her face doesn't shift other than a small smile.

"You're seriously super strong! Show me! Show me!" Toga implores, moving her knives out of the way so Y/n could kick the floor.

Y/n doesn't hesitate, leaving a large dent in the wooden floor as a few splinters shoot away.

"..." Shigaraki's eye twitched.

"Oh." Y/n stared at the dent in the floor. "Sorry about your floors."

She was, in fact, not sorry, not in the slightest. She, in fact, thinks it was completely deserved.

Toga giggles at Y/n's un-apologetic tone, leaning her back against the other girl's leg.

Y/n hums, not objecting to the girl's actions.

"Great. Crazy #1 and Crazy #2 are bonding." The scarred man's sarcastic voice huffs.

Y/n's eye twitches, activating inventory and summoning a bag of strawberry candy.

Nobody else (expect Toga who merely grinned at her) noticed the bag being summoned as she takes out three wrapped candies, putting the bag in her inventory.

She hands a candy to Toga, who doesn't hesitate before eating it with a quiet hum of delight.

She puts one candy in her own mouth as the other remains in her hands.

She tosses it up and down before reeling her hand back and—


It hit the burned man directly in the eye, making him let out a hiss of pain.

Toga snickered, hugging Y/n's leg as she leans her head against the girl's knee.

"You little—"

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