While he was puzzled about that, Watson brought more than 20 identical copies of himself and rushed at him. At the same time, he spread his arms, and the World Tree branches flew out one by one and broke into wooden cards. The starlight that fused with the sky turned into golden cards.

There were 24 people there. Watson had created 24 cards and fused them into each of them. He cast the God’s Descent spell, and the clones immediately turned into mythical creatures.

There was a god who carried a scepter and wore a garment full of eyes, which symbolized the Fool. There was also a high-tier being who personified travel and lightning; he was known as Hermes. There was also a war god on a golden chariot and an angel with wings on his back; he held a horn in one hand and a longsword in the other.

Watson’s projection of the river of time had the potential to pull his previous selves out of the gaps in history, but it had a weakness.

His past selves could not carry any tools, so Watson used his original body to create the golden cards and gave his doppelgangers the ability to cast the God’s Descent spell. Then, he activated the Great Sin Mask, which had been fused with the World Tree’s shadow.


A deafening roar erupted. Watson’s body was engulfed in black gas, which ballooned as if it were inflating. It grew into a massive black whale with a length of hundreds of meters. It had spikes on its back and a long snake-shaped tail that swayed behind it. It had huge fangs on its abdomen and mouth. The sharp fangs dissolved the snow-covered ground and turned it into a quicksand vortex.

That was Leviathan, the Envy beast and a Great Sin Beast; it could force equality and shadow clones.

The moment the 24 mythical creatures and the Great Sin Beast appeared, the base of the Dragonspine Snow Mountain boiled. Hundreds of thousands of magical beasts felt the pressure in their souls and knelt in unison. Then the Shadow Guards, including Nightingale, knelt too.

That was the bloodline’s repression. The magical beast and mythical creatures in front of them were superior to them.

“That must be Leviathan, the Envy beast. People said that it often roams the sea and could control tsunamis. It’s a terrifying magical beast! I don’t know the creatures around it, but judging from their aura, they must be comparable to the Great Sin Beast!”

“How can a person turn into so many monsters? What kind of magic is that?”

A few Shadow Guards knelt on the ground; their voices trembled when they spoke. They had experienced great storms, but they were still shocked by that scene. They were no match for any of the monsters that Watson had turned into, and there were 24 of those beasts.

It was no surprise. Watson’s combat strength was already at its peak when he combined a peak platinum-tier spell and tool.


Watson, who had transformed into the magical beast Leviathan, roared again. A massive vortex suddenly appeared beneath Sylvan’s feet. Countless shadow arms reached out from within to wrap around him; it gradually weakened the powerful aura that his body emanated. That was the Envy beast’s Forced Equality skill—it could force his opponent down to his skill level.


Sylvan’s attitude changed as he stared at the 25 gigantic monsters of various shapes and sizes in front of him. Instead, things took a severe turn. “Since that’s the case, I won’t hold back any longer! Come out now, peak platinum-tier fusion spell, Super-elemental Giant Summon!”

The vortex beneath his feet vanished as soon as he spoke, and the shadow’s arms shattered. The ground continued to churn in its position, and enormous giant rock golems climbed up one by one.

My Fusion System: Fusing a Thousand Chickens at the StartWhere stories live. Discover now