Chapter 2

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The guys had made a pathway for the girls and I to the common room so that we can actually make it into our room. Once we got into the common room we headed straight to our room so that one I could fix my make-up and two have a girls talk.

Once we made it to the room I grabbed my make-up wipes from my trunk and headed to our dorm bathroom to wipe it off. I then re-put on my make-up since that I left my make-up bag in the bathroom. I re-put on the make-up then went out of the bathroom to see all the girls on my messy bed so that we could talk.

I walked over to the bed to sit with the girls. "So, let's have girl talk now, shall we?" Lily said to me. 

"Okay, lets." I responded to her. 

"So totally have to say something about this Y/n, I saw that little blush that you had when looking at Remus when you sat across from in during breakfast."  Lily said.

"Uhm, well I mean yesterday he helped me up onto the train and let me sit with him and the guys. So, he was kinda the first person that I met but I do think that he is pretty cute." I told them.

"OMG, does our new roomy have a crush on Mr. Remus Lupin." said Mary. 

"Well, I guess I do I think." I had a light laugh as well as a bright blush across my face." 

"Yes, a new OTP." said Maralene. 

"Oh, no what have I done. I've created something that I didn't think would happen to me."

 "Haha, definitely something has been created." Maralene said.

 "Why Lily, why did say something if it was going to be turned into one of Maralene's OTP?" I said to Lily.

"I mean why not then there is also Sirius with that compliment on our way back." Stated Lily.

"OMG, Lily you are so right I almost forgot about that." stated Mary. 

"Oh, no not you too." I said to Mary after.

 "You and Sirius are going to me by new OTP!" Mary said with excitement.

"Well, shit why." I hit my palm to my forehead.

"Okay, well anyways we have make James, and you a thing." said Lily after I face palmed my face. 

"So, James and I have been best friends shit we were six and five. I have known him for so long that I have able to consider him a brother, but I mean I've never said that out loud and I guess he also considered me as his sister which I mean I'm not surprised but to hear him say that out loud kinda hurts. But I don't think that I can consider him anything more than a brother. And it kinda seems weird that I had that reaction when he said that I look awkward, but it did hurt that he doesn't pay attention to how I've change and that I put make-up on. But there isn't anything I can do about what has happened." I told the girls with Mary responding with "Dang Y/n, that's kinda deep but I mean I think that some girls would respond how you did with the make-up thing. I think I would have responded the way you did if I was in your position, but you can't let that get to you not right now at least. I'm sorry to say this but James is a complete and utter ars." "It's okay I didn't mind you saying that cause honestly he really is though."

After we had the conversation about James and I the girls some how got back to the OTP on Remus and me or the Sirius and me. The fact on how much the girls want one of them to end up with me and how my life with each guy would end up. "Merlin, girls you are starting to give me a headache." I think I only thought it was Mary and Maralene that was talking about it but I didn't realize that Lily was talking about it but she wasn't on either side she was just talking about the future with either of them. "Sorry Y/n its just something we get really excited about when it comes to an OTP." "Its fine Maralene just chill out a bit. But this might just fuel your guys OTP thing but I might as well just tell you." "Okay, Y/n go ahead." said Mary. "So when we were on the train to head here I accidentally fell asleep on Remus shoulder but he didn't move me so I was asleep for about two hours, he also tied my tie since I didn't know how to." "Merlin! Y/n why didn't you tell us sooner." said Maralene. "Was there anything about you and Sirius?" "Yes, kinda. He bought me some candy off of the cart when I tried to he wouldn't let me and then James said that Sirius never buys any girl food/drinks. Also when Remus finished tying my tie the train came to a fast stop and I was still standing while Sirius was sitting and so kinda sat on top of his lap." "OMG, like Maralene said you should have told us this sooner." said Mary.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 20, 2023 ⏰

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