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As I stand behind my cart with my new pet owl pepper and my parents standing at both of my sides. I look over each of my shoulders to look at my parents with a nervous smile all they do is smile back at me and I turn back around to face to wall in between platforms 9 and 10.

"Y/n, darling its best to get a running start." All I did was nod my head to my mum and let out a deep breath that I didn't realize I was even holding in. "Okay, let's do this. I can do this." I look at the ground to possession my feet properly so that I could get a good running start. 3.. 2..1 "And here I go." "We will be right be hi-." I didn't get to hear the rest of what mum said since I was already through by the time, she was talking to me. "Bloody Hell" "Language little miss." "Oh, sorry dad but like just look how crazy cool this place is." There are tons of kids here with their parents some crying probably since its their kids first year away. That is when I turned around and I see mum starting to tear up. "Oh, mum it's okay no need to cry. I will be safe at Hogwarts plus I have James their too so there's no need to worry and I will owl you probably till tomorrow morning since we will be getting there so late. But anyways I have to go and put my bag over there so that I can go. And I love you both so much." "Alright, we await your owl, and we love you too little miss." I go and hug them and give them a quick peck on their check.

I push my cart over to the bright red train that was at platform 9 3/4 someone that I assumed had worked there had grabbed my bags and others around to put in the train. I then get on the train well at first, I kinda struggled to get one since it was so high up until I felt a pair of hands lift me up to help me in. I turn around and I see a cute boy with light brown hair and scars across his face that made him even cuter. "Oh, thank you I appreciate that I was kinda struggling as you could tell." He was definitely older than me probably just by a year or two. "Yeah, it's no problem glad I can help." "The names Y/n Clément what about you?" "Nice to meet you Clément the name Remus Lupin." "Well nice to meet you as well Lupin. I'm guessing you are returning this year?" "Yep, and I'm guessing that you are a first year." "How ya figure?" I made I funny but kinda cute face too. We both giggled more like Lupin chuckled. "You seem like you need some where to sit you want to come and sit with me and my friends?" "Yeah, sure I would really like that." Man, I'm already making friends and it's with a really cute guy. We walk a bit pass a couple full cabins some with first year's others with returners and some with mixed. Then we made it to the back Lupin was in the way so I couldn't see who was in the cabin but then as soon as he stepped in, I just took a single step in and then was tackled to the ground. "What the bloody hell?" Was all I could said since I didn't know who was on top of me till I saw the messy hair and I saw blue eyes with eyes looking straight up at me. "Oh, My Merlin! What The Bloody Hell Are You Doing!?" yelled another good-looking guy with long dark hair and dark brown eyes. "It's okay I know her." "James get the hell off me right now or I will pull you by your hair off me." As soon as I said that he got straight off me. "James you can't just go and jumping on people its rude plus that hurt. I weigh less then you are plus I'm younger than you don't go jumping on me like that." "You didn't care last year or during the summer." "Well one doesn't say it like that it sounds wrong and two you were lighter and three we were playing I was ready for it." "Wow, calling me fat now I see how it is." "Ah for merlin sakes. I'm not calling you fat listen I'm sorry okay do you forgive me?" He looked like he was contemplating it but in reality, he was just going to say yes. "Yes, I forgive you." I sat in between James and Lupin. "Okay, cool alright can you introduce me to everyone I already know who Lupin is since he helped me up into the train plus lead me over here so who are you two lots.

The boys looked shocked at my personality on how I looked and how I acted. "Listen guys I could say I don't get all say but that would be a lie so can you say something." "Alright well the names Sirius Black love nice to make your acquaintance." "Well nice to meet you Black and what about you in the corner?" "Oh, the names Peter Pettigrew and it's nice to meet you as well." "Well, it nice to meet you lots my name is Y/n Clément and I hope that we can get along." "Does your mother happen to be Charlotte Clément or when she went to Hogwarts Charlotte Ginger?" "Why yes she is Pettigrew why you ask?" "Well, I mean she was really popular for her looks also she was the quidditch captain for the Gryffindor and you seem to have gotten almost all of her looks and hopefully her skills too." "She never told me that she played quidditch she just told me that she was popular and that was all." "Sorry to hear that." "It's fine but anyways let's talk about what we did this summer." I said to change the mood a bit.

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