The Theater

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The ninth doctor had just met Rose Tyler and Mickey Smith they were traveling when they were engulfed in darkness, Rose was the first to wake "Doctor?" she called out, no answer "Doctor?" she tried again, he finally answered "oh hello Rose" "Doctor where are we?" He didn't answer instead he grabbed his sonic and scanned the room and looked at it "Earth, 21st century 2022" "I'd be 35" "so why are we here?" Asked Mickey "that's what I want to know" said a new voice, 9 and Rose and Mickey turned to the voice and saw a man in a coat "uh who are you?" asked Rose "well I suppose I'm the doctor" Rose and 9  and Mickey looked at each other "You can't be, he's the doctor" replied Mickey "so am I, I am the regeneration after the 9th one over here. Come on Donna, Martha, Jack up you get we don't have all day" one ginger haired woman, black haired woman and black haired man stood up "Doctor who are they?" asked the red head "Donna, meet Rose and me" "you? Wouldn't that destroy the space time continuum as we know it?" "Well Martha, two Doctor's same era, same room, yes could most likely destroy the world as we know but since when did that stop us?" replied 10, as the screen lit up with words that Jack read

"9 and 10th Doctors & companions you are going to be watching the 11th, 12th, 13th reincarnations of yourselves, have fun"

and a screen came up with a title

The Eleventh Hour

a.n sorry it is short

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