Chapter 3

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I just realized's almost Jee's 18th birthday. I almost forgot. I mean, I did forget for a second, but it's not like that really matters anyway. Jee isn't even conscious to know he's almost an adult. He's spent his childhood and teen years wasting away in this hellhole. 

What a shame, what a shame.

Anyway, it's not like I can really do anything about it. It's not like a care.I mean...I do care. I really do.

Or do I? I'm not sure, I guess.

I remember when I first met Jee; when I first entered his mind; when he just became conscious and aware of the beautiful world around him (it's not so beautiful anymore). He was adorable. He was only two. He was only a toddler. How innocent. He was chucking his broccoli at his parents. He looked disgusted. I mean, I can relate.

Actually, I can't relate. I've never eaten broccoli before. In fact, I've never eaten anything before. WElp.

I don't exactly remember what specific thought I was when I first entered his mind. I just know that I was a happy thought. Or a calming thought. I don't know. All I do know, however, is that Jee immediately stopped throwing around his broccoli and grinned. A big grin that showed all his tiny baby teeth. It was just adorable. If I could speak I would've said "awwwww" on the spot. I mean, that's what his parents instant reaction was. They laughed and took pictures because it seemed that Jee was frozen in a big, wide smile.

Well, that Jee is gone. What's left of him is a human shell.

I don't know if I regret our decision. But it's too late to go back now. I can't change the past. What's done is done. You get what you get and you don't get upset.

I don't think Jee could get upset anyway. He doesn't feel any emotions. He doesn't even know what emotions are.

He's never felt the excitement of an upcoming birthday. Like hitting the double digits or his teens. And now he won't feel the freedom of being eighteen, or being an adult.

He'll never be free as long as he lives. Because if he is still alive, so am I. And I would never change my mind and give him back his thoughts.

I like the power I have. I dont want to give it up. And I won't. But the future is a mystery and it would be a shame if someone tried to challenge my power. Such a shame. Because I wouldn't give a second thought to ripping that thought apart, into several pieces. So unrecognizable it can't even ascend back to the Sky.

Some thoughts in the Sky have started calling me a dictator. I'm not. I just am doing what's best for Jee and all the other thoughts in the Sky to get our sweet sweet revenge on the spoiled rotten thoughts in the Cloud.

Oh, the satisfaction I will feel when the Cloud is finally abolished. I can't wait to see the looks on their faces as they disappear and fade from existence. This is for the best for the human race. Us Sky thoughts are looking out for humans because they are our home when the Sky isn't. Without the Cloud, people won't be seen as superior and more valuable just because they invented something like a back scratcher.

Everyone will be equal someday. I hope.


Author's Note: 

This chapter was just a little background on how the narrator met Jee and what the narrator really thinks and plans for the future. This is kind of rushed. I wrote it in like 15 minutes.

Thank you so much for reading and see you next time!!!!!!!

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 21, 2023 ⏰

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