Running Into Nightcrawler

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"Come on Amber let's head home it setting late." Alexis says as she is walking in human form while Amber walking in fox form as they are walking back to their cave they're using as a den.

"Alexis I think someone is following us." Amber says as her ears perk up upon hearing something while Alexis is twirling the pointed branch she found.

"I dont hear anything. Maybe your just hearing the wind." Alexis says as she then gets the feeling someone is behind her before turning around grabbing the person by his arm and throwing him at a tree while holding a pointed branch at his throat.

"Whoa easy now." The boy says as Alexis then notices his tail and blue skin realizing he isnt exactly human but not letting her guard lower.

"Who are you and why are you following us?" Alexis asks angrily.

"Easy I just had a haircut the other day." The boy says as he puts his hands up.

"Oh really now? You missed a spot." Alexis says angrily as she continues to point the branch at the boys throat.

"Ok ok you win just give me a chance to apologize." The boy says.

"For what exactly?" Alexis asks.

"That for one." The boy says as his tail grabs the branch from Alexis before she then kicks her off her feet and onto her back before she sits up angrily.

"You sneaky son of a-" Alexis the gets cut off by the boy.

"Hey not in front of the fox now." The boy says receiving a dirty look from Alexis as she stands up.

"Are you always that charming or did I just get lucky?" Alexis asks as she draws her sword from its holder on her side so starts attacking the boy as he fights her off using the branch.

"Wow. You vight almost as well as someone vho has been trained." The boy says as he smiles.

"Funny I was gonna say the same thing about you." Alexis says as she stops attack the boy for a moment.

"That's hitting things a little bit below the belt don't you think?" The boy asks.

"No.. this is." Alexis says as she smirks before making it look like he is gonna attack his legs causing him to block the attack before she then attacks his head with the handle of the sword causing him to see stars for a few seconds.

"Touche-oof!... didnt realize you had a kid with you." The boy says as Amber then head butts him in the stomach.

"Yea well neither of us take very kindly to strangers." Alexis says as she and amber back away from the boy a bit.

"I noticed. If I may I'm called Nightcrawler. And you are?" The boy asks kindly as he puts the branch down. Alexis and Amber then look at each other.

"Is this is an interrogation?" Alexis asks.

"Its called an introduction." Nightcrawler says kindly.

"Your not like the other humans. So what do you want?" Aexis asks as she puts her sword away.

"Well if you haven't figure it out yet I'm not exactly human. But I would settle for your name and to see your face." Nightcrawler says kindly.

"My name is Alexis. But my family would always call me little Rose due to my love of roses. And this is my pack mate Amber." Alexis says as she puts her hood down.

"Wow." Nightcrawler says as a slight blush appears on his face.

"What?" Alexis asks.

"Oh uh nothing." Nightcrawler says quickly.

Mutant Love X-Men Evolution Nightcrawler X OC AlexisTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon