LEVEL 52 - "Izuku's New Ablitiy"

Start from the beginning

"Oh, yeah? I got odds on Ojiro." Kaminari grins. You

"I choose Ashido." Mineta points towards the screen, "'Cause she's got a super athletic body."

"I know Deku will be last." Bakugo states firmly, not a trace of doubt in his voice.

"Even if he's still recovering, I think Iida's got this one." Uraraka voices.

"Mm!" Asui agrees with a small nod form next to her.

"I think it'll be Izuku." Y/n sits down next to Uraraka as the two other girls look at her curiously.

"Huh?" Uraraka tilts her head to the side, "What makes you think that?"

Y/n merely gives her a small smile, putting a finger over her own lips before turning towards the screen, not noticing the normally bubbly girl basically malfunctioning.

"Is everyone ready? Begin!" All Might announces, pressing a button as the group starts to move.

Sero wraps his tape around the pipes, using that to move around.

Ashido uses her acid to slide along the pipes.

Ojiro used his tail to launch himself forward.

Iida uses his engines to run forward.

"Look at him go!" Kirishima cheers as Sero showed first place. "In a maze like this, it makes sense to be above everything else!"

"So that means Sero's at an advantage because he can take to the sky." One of Shoji's limbs observes.

Sero continues to run forward but suddenly has to turn his head as a blur of green darts past him.

The group of students who were watching gasp as Izuku easily takes the lead.

"Woah, Midoriya?" Kirishima exclaims, surprised by the turn of events.

"Since when can he do that?" Kaminari agrees, equally as surprised.

The way he's propelling himself through the air.. Todoroki's eyes widen.

"Crazy. Those jumps—!" Uraraka breaths out, "He looks just like..."

Those are my moves! Bakugo scowls, While I spent my time getting groomed at that useless internship he— Look at him! Damnit!

Y/n blinks in surprise, being able to watch his movements closer now, He used some of my moves as well, huh..

Y/n wasn't sure what she felt about it, but a warm and bubbly feeling rose up in her chest and she could only assume she was happy about it.

━ ◦ ❖ ◦━

Izuku fell. Sero won.

Y/n stretches her arms over her head, yawning as she looks around the dull changing room.

Her eyes eventually land on a small hole in the wall as she freezes.

"Hey, Jiro.." She murmurs as the girl in question turns towards her.


She gestures towards the hole as Jiro nods in understanding, plugging one of her earphones into the wall.

Her face darkens, sending her other earphone through the hole as a scream echoes from the other end. Mineta.

"Thanks, Jiro!" Uraraka thanks the girl with a smile.

"Despicable." Yaoyorozu disapproves with a frown, "We'll close up this hole immediately."

Jiro seemed to think about something else, a frown resting on her face.

"Thanks, Jiro.." Y/n raises her hand to pat the others hair.

Pat... pat...

Ruffle... ruffle...

Y/n looks away, going back to changing as she do isn't notice how a tint of pink appeared on the other girl's face.

━ ◦ ❖ ◦━

The moment Y/n had walked into where her and Hatsume decided to meet, she was pounced on.

Like, literally.

Hatsume layed on her with a wide grin as she grabs the visor with the AI and observes it from her hands.

Y/n's mouth parted slightly in shock before realizing the... interesting... position they were in.

"Hatsume.." Y/n murmured, trying to push the girl off of her without hurting her.

(Of course she knew she could easily throw the girl across the room if she wished, but she didn't want to hurt Hatsume and didn't know how to hold back enough.)

She wasn't used to people being this close to her. It was embarrassing.

Hatsume shot up, walking to a desk as she continues to fidget with the AI.

She presses one of the buttons as the visor glowed lightly, «Lady Hatsume!»

"My baby!" Hatsume exclaimed back, hugging the AI to her chest.

Y/n sweatdropped at the interaction.

Hatsume scared her, a lot.

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