"No, we're going to sit here and have this conversation until you tell me how you really feel. You must want her huh, you wanna fuck my best friend Nika?"

"Kelly there's nothing to fucking say! Leave it alone! Shit, I just liked her pictures and made a few comments. None of that means I want her so drop it Kelendria and I mean right the fuck now."

'Kelendria'? Oh please she's s clearly hiding something, no matter how mad she's ever gotten with me she's never called me my full name. "You do the same shit on other bitches and other niggas posts too. But do I say shit? No I don't, so why is it a problem when I do it?!"

Here she goes. She's turning the shit on me so that she doesn't have to admit to being guilty. "Is it cause you think she's prettier than me? Is that it Nicki?"

"No Kelly."

"Do you think she's sexier than me? Does she turn you on more than I do?"

"No Kelly leave this shit alone man!"

"No because it must be something. You do t even do this type of shit u see my post and I'm your fucking GIRLFRIEND!! So I suggest you tell me the damn truth and then I'll leave it alone." I said standing my ground, I was tired of keeping my feelings to myself cause I should "let it go".

"You want the truth so fucking bad?! Well here's the truth Kelly, I've wanted Beyoncé from the moment I saw her!" Those words felt like a dagger going through my heart a million times.

"I can't believe you. I introduced you to my BEST FRIEND and you have the nerve to tell me that you've wanted her since the moment you saw her."

"You sit here and tell me I have nothing to worry about, that you're just focusing on business, when the whole time you're focused on my best friend. Then you have the nerve to gaslight me into thinking that I'm going fucking crazy when everything I thought was true."

She couldn't do anything but hold her head down in shame.

"I don't even understand how this little crush you have hasn't went away by now. Her and Robyn have been together for like seven months now. Not to even bring up the fact that we've been together for almost a year now Tanya."

Her head immediately popped up.

"Shit it's been seven whole months?" I scoffed at her response. Out of everything I said she only heard that Bey and Robyn have been together for almost a year.

I just laughed, "I'm so damn done with this entire situation. I'm leaving, I'll be back tomorrow to get my shit. Don't call or text me and please try your best not to fuck Beyoncé in my absence."

"Wait what the fuck, Kelly you're joking right? I know you're not breaking up with me over this shit." I just rolled my eyes, shaking my head. "Nicki I'm clearly not who you want, so why would I continue a relationship with you?"


Before she could finish whatever bullshit she was going to say next, I grabbed my purse and walked out. I was going to the closest bar to get drunk and try to forget this whole thing happened.


I had more drinks than I could count on both hands, twice. No matter how much I drank I couldn't forget her words.

"You want the truth so fucking bad? Well here's the truth Kelly, I've wanted Beyoncé from the moment I saw her."

It played over and over again in my head like a broken record. Instead of wanting to forget it, it was all I could think about. The more I thought about it the angrier I got. I couldn't believe Onika, she broke my heart worse than I think she'll ever know.

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