Chapter 2. The Date

Start from the beginning

She approached Carlie and hugged her.

"Thanks," she said, without losing her smile.

When she pulled away from her, she also hugged Edythe, who rubbed her back. It was a habit she had.

"Hey, Carlie, can I have Ellis' phone number? If he gives you permission, of course. In case something unforeseen arises."

"Of course! I'll ask him and send it to you, I don't think it's a problem for him."

"Perfect, thanks."

That same night, when Christine was getting ready for bed, Edythe sent her a WhatsApp message asking how she was doing. She was glad that the answer was positive.

In broad strokes, Christine was okay and she knew it, but she also was aware that her unsuccessful dates and, above all, the serial killer—whom, curiously, the press had yet to give any tabloid nickname— had her worried.

And she had had to worm it out of her, but she had even come to have a nightmare in which the killer chased her to her house and, once there, they teleported to any room she tried to flee to. She also told her that she had woken up before something even more traumatic happened.

That left Edythe very worried and since then, she was more aware of her.

And it wasn't the murderer that worried her the most, because that scared her, but people tend to think that the bad things that make the news aren't going to happen to them or their loved ones.

What mattered the most to her was her best friend's mental health. She had known Christine since they were children and she had always been a cheerful girl. That had changed months ago. She was only focused when she was working. In other times, she got easily distracted, like that afternoon while Carlie told her about the date. In that case it was understandable, but it happened often and with nothing to do with the news.

While she took care of her, she would have to thinkof some way to make her feel better. For now, she would stay close to her...while wishing with all her might that her date went well.

The chosen clothes were as simple as Christine herself: classic jeans, a black, puff-sleeved blouse with a little keyhole neckline, and red Converse

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The chosen clothes were as simple as Christine herself: classic jeans, a black, puff-sleeved blouse with a little keyhole neckline, and red Converse. That colour didn't convince her friends, but they let it go because she did like it.

There was no unforeseen event that caused her to have to text Ellis and she somewhat felt sorry. Although when she was arriving at the restaurant, she felt stupid for thinking so, since she could have greeted him and been nice to him without an excuse.

In any case, she didn't matter anymore.

She entered the restaurant and, since she didn't know exactly what Ellis would be like, she went to sit at a table for two to wait for him, who did know what she was like, to recognize her. She wasn't going to go around asking all the blond, blue-eyed men if they were her date. And it's that not even on WhatsApp did he have a photo of him, but a Labrador, which Christine thought would be her pet. Those photos were too personal to put up one of his works.

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