Mass panic that occurred during battle. Panic waves.

If the critical point was crossed in the state of the panic wave, it would soon be impossible to identify a peer.

Loss of intelligence would lead to loss of self.

There was only one ending that awaits for such one.

‘Turning into a magical beast.’

Regardless of the importance of winning the battle, the subjugation planned today was never on a scale that would escalate to this extent.

This area also served as a military base as the academy city where Shioban Military Academy was located was nearby.

Therefore, this subjugation battle was an annual event.

In the original case, the cadets would have gone out for practice, but the command team, who received the scout report, believed that the scale of the subjugation was slightly beyond the scope of the students at the time.

According to the commander’s judgment, the mission had been transferred to the battalion temporarily stationed nearby.


“It will be here soon!”

To make matters worse, it started to rain.

The physiology of the beasts was different from that of humans. They were also affected by the weather – they would lose strength during the day or when the sun was shining, but on the contrary, they would become stronger at night or when the weather was bad.

“Can’t wait for support. Retreat!”

“All troops! Retreat!”

“Don’t break the line and go southeast!”

The flag, which signaled retreat, rose, but it was unclear how many people would be able to see the flag in the melee when the panic wave started.

Especially in a situation where beasts were attacking from all sides.

Reluctantly, the battalion commander rode his horse to the southeast in person.

It was a movement done to drill a direct escape route.


As he swung his mace, the heads of the three beasts exploded at once.

It wasn’t a futile act to show off. This was because the magical beasts would only lose its combat function only when it loses its head, or when its lower extremities were amputated, or when its spine was crushed.

In that way, the battalion commander and other command units smashed between the beasts and secured an escape route. The front also maintained its formation and began to retreat in the direction the commander was leading.


“Commander, it’s raining…!

The rain that suddenly fell was not ordinary rain, but muddy rain.

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