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August enjoyed learning about the Na'vi, the native inhabitants of Pandora. She had read Dr. Grace Augustine's book about them and recalled her Earth studies classes, where she noticed a number of similarities between the Na'vi and the Native Americans of the 19th century. It even reminded her of how her father referred to the Na'vi as savages, much like 19th century Americans viewed the Native Americans. Despite being the youngest member of the Avatar Program at eighteen, she had proved invaluable to the program. Though the Na'vi were aware that she wasn't from Pandora as they were, she had proven that she was capable of adapting to their ways. She had learned of tsaheylu, or bonding, and had formed a bond with a direhorse named Alenha and an ikran that she named Vivian. The only thing that she hadn't done was choose a mate. She was scared of doing so because of her father's views on the Na'vi. She was glad that the members of the Omatikaya clan understood and accepted accepted her wish to wait to choose her mate.

One of August's best friends was a Na'vi called Neytiri, the daughter of Eytukan and Mo'at, the leaders of the clan. At first, she was wary of August, since she was one of the Sky People, but over time, she had gained Neytiri's trust. At present, they were spending time observing a herd of hammerhead titanotheres from a safe distance. "It's amazing how nature can be so beautiful and so dangerous at the same time," August said. "Yeah. That is part of the equilibrium that Eywa maintains," Neytiri replied, just as the titanotheres were ambushed by a thanator, which managed to kill one of the titanotheres while the rest made their escape. "We should probably head back to Hometree before the thanator realizes we're here," August said. "I agree. I look forward to meeting you in person, so to speak. When you come for your consciousness transfer, I mean," Neytiri replied. "So am I. I don't know when that's going to be, though," August said as they arrived back at Hometree. "Ah. Because your father won't let you leave the facility," Neytiri said. "Yeah. This is my only way to feel free for the time being," August said a bit sadly. "Don't worry. I'm sure you'll find a way to escape. I have confidence in you," Neytiri said, giving August a gentle hug. "You're right. I just need to convince a few of my people to help me out," August said, managing a small smile. 

She noticed Neytiri's sister Sylvirah looking over at her and stiffened slightly. "Relax, August. She's just looking at you," Neytiri said, having noticed when August stiffened. "I don't like the way she's looking at me. I mean, I get that she has a crush on me, but the look she's giving me is kinda freaking me out a little," August replied. "I'll speak with her about it," Neytiri said, promptly striding over to her sister. "Hey big sis. What's up?" She asked. "I don't know how many times I have to tell you this, and I don't really care anymore, either. Stop looking at August like you want her as your mate, it really freaks her out," Neytiri said sharply. "Okay, okay! Calm down, will you? Besides, it's not fair that you get to spend all the time with her," Sylvirah replied harshly. "She chooses to spend time with me, Sylvirah. All I can suggest to you is that you try to talk to her and become her friend," Neytiri said softly. "Kind of hard for me to do that when she spends all her free time with either you or the Sky People," Sylvirah retorted under her breath. "How about this: I'll tell August that you want to spend some time with her, and we'll figure it out from there. Sound good?" Neytiri asked her sister. "Yeah. Actually, I think I should tell her," Sylvirah replied, getting up and walking over to August.

"Can I talk to you?" Sylvirah asked August as she approached. "Sure, I guess," August replied. "I'm sorry that the way I look at you makes you feel uncomfortable. It's just that I've never seen someone so graceful and elegant before," Sylvirah explained. "Oh. Well, thank you," August replied. "You're welcome," Sylvirah replied. "So, do you want to hang out with me for a bit tomorrow?" August asked. "Sure. What were you thinking of doing tomorrow?" Sylvirah asked, but she didn't receive an answer.

August woke up abruptly in her link bed, with the first thing that she noticed being her father. "I think that's enough time for today," he said as he began to remove her from the link bed. "What do you think you're doing?" Grace asked as she came into the room. "Her time's up for today," Quaritch replied. "I thought we agreed that you wouldn't interfere with my program. This is what she wants to do," Grace replied angrily. "Fine. You win this time," Quaritch said, putting August back into her link bed and storming out of the room.

Back at Hometree, Sylvirah was trying to get August to wake up when she suddenly sat up, almost hitting Sylvirah's head in the process. "Sorry. My dad tried to wake me up. Again," August said as she got to her feet. "I see. I'll try to get used to it," Sylvirah replied, taking August's hand in hers.


I hope you enjoy this Avatar fanfiction. It's the first one I've written, so I know that it's probably gonna have some flaws. This story starts around a year before the events of the first film. Anyway, until next time!

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