Frieda: "PET ME!"

Farrell: "Jawohl feldwebel"

I started petting her head and scratching behind her ear. Her tail started wagging rapidly but her anger was still very present on her face. I kissed her on the top of her head, trying to be as soothing as possible. My deep voice was perfect for Irish boi ASMR. I whisper compliments into her ear, a very quiet and very calming voice. They were flirts, positive affirmations about her skill, and maybe some lewd things. She was blushing, flustered, and feeling a lot better after it than she did before it.

Frieda: "thank you, handsome"

Farrell: "no problem, beautiful"

Angela walked over and shoved her sister over and sat on my lap now, and laid back into my chest

Angela: "please, do to me what you did to my sister"

Farrell: "Jawohl Oberfeldwebel"

I repeat the process, petting her on the head and whispering sensually in her ear, and after I finished she was feeling much better. She kissed my cheek.

Angela: "thank you sweetie"

Farrell: "no problem honey"

Us three all snuggle when there's a knock on the door, so I get up to get it. It's Madame Fahloh

Farrell: "oh, Hallo Generalmajor Fahloh"

I saluted and she saluted back. She walked in and sat on Frieda's bunk, which was next to mine. I'm still sad I couldn't ask her out before getting attacked with love from the other two. She looked over at us three as I sat down and smiled.

Alice: "hello you three, how're you?"

Frieda: "not very well, yourself?"

Alice: "not very well either Feldwebel, but for why I'm here"

She handed me an envelope, Frieda a small black medallion, and Angela a EK 1 award.

Alice: "Frieda, this is your combat injury medal, Angela you got approved for this award, and Farrell, Keitel approved you for promotion to a obergefreiter, why he made it a obergefreiter I'm unsure"

The two girls hug me excitedly, and I hugged them both back excitedly, congratulating each other excitedly. She smiled and I started sewing my rank patch on. Alice smiled

Alice: "I'm glad you guys are excited about it, but can I talk to Farrell in private please?"

Angela: "of course general, c'mon Frieda"

Frieda: "awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww"

The two leave and Alice placed a hand gently on mine

Alice: "remember that night a week ago, where we were in a tent together?"

Farrell: "yes I do general"

Alice: "no, just Alice, we're alone"

Farrell: "oh, sorry Gener, I mean Alice"

Alice: "it's okay Ferry, but, do you remember anything we talked about that night?"

Farrell: "well, you talk in your sleep so we had a conversation about if pineapple went on pizza"

Alice: "what?"

Her brain was frazzled

Alice: "no, that's not what I meant, I meant just after I fell asleep"

Farrell: "oh, uhhhhh"


Farrell: "uhhhhh"

She just sighed

Alice: "I know about what you said to me in my sleep Farrell."


Farrell: "I apologize Alice, I don't know what I was thinking"

Alice: "Its okay, but, I'm going to tell you now that, even if you weren't with Frieda and/or Angela, it wouldn't have happened, at least not till after the war"

Farrell: "I was guessing so mam, don't want to get attached in the middle of a war zone in case one of us gets captured or blown to bits"

she smiled at me awkwardly, and nodded.

Alice: "Thank you for understanding, Farrell"

Farrell: "No problem Ally, No problem at all"

She smiled and got up, reaching up and scruffing my hair up and left, the gals re-entered and jumped on me for before duty snuggles.

Chapter Ende

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